Lighted Christmas parade concludes Santa Day in Brooten (VIDEO)

The community of Brooten hosted the annual Santa Day event on Saturday, December 7. Activities for the evening concluded with a lighted Christmas parade on main street, which you can watch in the attached video.

Santa Day drew a large crowd of families with children, parents, grandparents and more to Lucky Shots Bowling Alley, where Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus met with children to hear their wish lists. By 5 o'clock, much of the crowd had shifted across the street to the KaDe Shack's community room, where the B-B-E Cub Scouts Pack No. 667 hosted a free-will donation chili feed plus bake sale. Childrens' bingo also took place leading up to the parade.

Additional coverage from Santa Day in Brooten will be published in the December 12 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper.


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