When they can't control the narrative, the elites PANIC! (VIDEO)

The elites, the people in charge of the world who have spent the past 10 to 20 years trying to take over major governments around the world, are in a state of panic. They want a one-world government, and they have been successful at moving their agenda forward largely by controlling what major media companies tell the public. The problem for the elites is that, in 2024, too many people have access to too much information via the Internet. There's just too much out there to overcome by ABC, CBS, NBC and other media conglomerates that want to dominate what the common man and woman hear, see and think.

In the attached video, a Canadian citizen is featured who speaks to the restructuring of government in Canada that began in 1992. This push that started over 30 years ago was promoted by the United Nations via the UN's program called UN AGENDA 21. This was part of a push that brought 178 countries on board with UN Agenda 21 to "go green" and reap financial benefits along with it.

In the United States, this agenda was pushed via the Environmental Leadership Act. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi of California is featured early in the video in a speech given on October 2, 1992. In her speech, she repeatedly cites UN AGENDA 21 as the basis for the legislation. It would support the creation of a "high level" United Nations sustainable development commission headed by an "undersecretary general."

In 1992, then-president George H.W. Bush was one of the 178 heads of government who signed the final text of the agreement at the Earth Summit in 1992. In that same year, Pelosi, Eliot Engel and William Broomfield all spoke in support of the U.S. House of Representative's Concurrent Resolution 353, which supported implementation of UN AGENDA 21.

The attached video features more insight into what's been happening across the globe with local units of government across the past 30 years.


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