Brooten Pavilion to host nitrate and chloride water screening for Stearns County residents

Event to be held in Brooten on Wednesday, October 23

The Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) will be co-hosting a FREE nitrate and chloride water screening event on Wednesday, October 23rd from 1PM to 6PM at the Brooten Pavilion in Brooten, MN. Pre-registration is encouraged but not required. Complete the registration form before the event at

Nitrate and chlorides are the most common contaminant in groundwater. Since you can't taste it or see it, many people are not aware it is in their water. Much of the nitrate in our environment comes from decomposition of plants and animal wastes. People also add nitrate to the environment in the form of fertilizers. Elevated nitrate levels in groundwater are often caused by run-off from barnyards or feedlots, excessive use of fertilizer (agricultural and residential), or septic systems.

Chloride can come from de-icing salt applied to roads, sidewalks, and parking lots, discharge from water softeners whether into a septic system or not, fertilizers, and it can occur naturally in rocks and soil. If you see chloride in your drinking water resources, it is usually a result of some type of human activity.

"Rainfall and land management techniques can contribute to the presence of nitrate in groundwater," stated SWCD Administrator Dennis Fuchs. "As more water moves through the soil profile, it flushes out excess nutrients down into the water table. Areas with sandy soils are more susceptible to nitrate loss with increased rainfall."

Too much nitrate in drinking water can pose a health risk to infants under six months of age, pregnant women, people with reduced stomach acidity, and people with certain blood disorders may also be susceptible to nitrate induced methemoglobinemia. To know your drinking water is safe from nitrates, it is recommended to have your well water tested yearly. Continue to properly manage nitrate sources near your well. Small things like getting a compliance inspection on your sewage treatment system and applying the correct amount of fertilizer to your lawn when it is actively growing will help keep you and your family safe.

The Minnesota Department of Health has reported that nitrate contamination of a well is often regarded as a first sign of deteriorating groundwater quality, accentuating the importance of getting your water tested.

Private Well Nitrate Water Screening Event: on Wednesday, October 23 from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Brooten Pavilion.

Water samples should be collected on the cold side of your kitchen faucet. Collect one quart of water in a clean container. If your house uses water treatment equipment other than a water softener, it is recommended to take a sample before and after to determine if your system is working properly, label sample container accordingly. Please bring pictures of your water treatment equipment as groundwater professionals will be on site to discuss your water screening results and provide guidance on water treatment equipment if needed. Arsenic tests will be available to purchase on site for $20 through Traut Companies during the event.

This event is in coordination with the Minnesota Well Owners Organization, Minnesota Groundwater Association, Traut Companies, Pope, Stearns, Kandiyohi, and Wright Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs), North Fork Crow River Watershed District, Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District, MN Rural Water Association, Stearns County Environmental Services, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Funding comes from the North Fork Crow River Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan.


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