Pope County Farm Bureau Breakfast on the Farm coming on Labor Day

The Pope County Farm Bureau invites everyone to their Labor Day Breakfast on the Farm, which is coming to Anderson Farms of Crow Lake Township in rural Belgrade. They will be serving breakfast from 8 a.m. to noon while hosting numerous activities focusing on the animal husbandry of pigs. Topics that the public can learn about include crop irrigation, crop trials, raising kidney beans and sugar beets plus biosecurity.

Earlier this year, the Minnesota Pork Producers Council honored Anderson Farms of Belgrade with their "Family of the Year" award. Currently, Anderson Farms is owned and operated by the fourth and fifth generations, which is remarkable. The family raises pigs, cattle and diversified crops such as beans and sugar beets while including modern innovations wherever possible.

The Anderson Farms address is 44338 County Road 19, Belgrade, which is roughly 2 miles due west of town from the Menard's location on County Road 19. Fun fact: this farm site was the original location where Anderson Farms began.

In 1889, brothers August and Charlie Johanson from Sweden settled in Minnesota after their arrival in the U.S. at Ellis Island. Each brother bought 160 acres and farmed separately with dairy cows, pigs and chickens. The next generation included Carl and his wife, Ethel, who battled their way through the Great Depression and Dust Bowl years of the 1930s. Carl and Ethel Anderson's son Jack was head of the third generation. Jack and his wife, Viola, farmed through the 50s, 60s and 70s before their sons, Jim and John, began taking over operations as the fourth generation.

You can swipe left on the attached photo to view a video from Breakfast on the Farm in 2023 that was hosted in rural Kensington. Here's a direct link to view the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper's photo gallery from the Breakfast on the Farm event two years ago at Rolling Forks Vineyard in rural Glenwood: https://encr.pw/qjneu.


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