Bonanza Valley area service organizations have terrific winter season (VIDEO)

Likely aided by what was a generally mild winter for Minnesota's standards, service organizations across the Bonanza Valley area and the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa school district enjoyed remarkable support across the past few months for fundraising events. For example, the B-B-E Knights of Columbus hosted fish fry events at the KaDe Shack with turnout exceeding 600 customers. In at least the past six years, the highest total for their three fish fry nights in a season was around 500 (in the 2022 Lenten season).

The Belgrade V.F.W. Post No. 1825 holds monthly pork chop and steak fry fundraisers throughout the year except in the summer months. In their latest pork chop/steak fry night on Saturday, April 6, they served over 120 and pulled off what could be called their version of a "hat trick" by running out of pork chops and steaks while not turning away any customers. Once the evening was a wrap, the potato cooker held just four spuds.

In the attached video, Belgrade V.F.W. member Julius Evenson is shown spinning for the final number drawn in the meat raffle they held during the pork chop/steak fry feed that night. Assisting him was Belgrade V.F.W. Auxiliary member Darlene Roelike.


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