Brooten Santa Day is THIS Saturday, December 10! (VIDEO)

Belgrade also to hold Santa Day earlier that day

The communities of Belgrade and Brooten are excited to host Santa Day events on Saturday, December 10. Belgrade goes in the morning, and Brooten holds their activities later in the afternoon with a 6 p.m. lighted Christmas parade.

Belgrade Commercial Club Santa Day: the Belgrade Commercial Club invites area children to town on Saturday, December 10 from 9 to 11 a.m. at Municipal Hall. Bring the kids to see Santa and get some great photos! Each child will receive a gift from Santa and a treat. Register for great prizes (need not be present to win, drawing at 10:50 a.m.) Also watch the Just For Kix performance at 9:45 and 10:45 a.m. The Belgrade Lions Club will be sponsoring the "Lighting Contest" again this year on Friday, December 9. Have your lights on by 5:30 p.m. Winners to be announced in the newspaper the following week.

Brooten community Santa Day: Brooten invites everyone from the surrounding area to come join the fun of Santa Day and the annual Christmas celebration on Main Street on Saturday, December 10 beginning at 4 p.m. Multiple activities (face painting, prizes, games, treats, kids bingo) including Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus meeting area children will take place at the Brooten Lanes, and the KaDe Shack will host a B-B-E Cub Scouts chili feed that begins after Bar Bingo has concluded (usually about 4:30 p.m.) Activities at the Brooten Lanes runs from 4 to 5:30 p.m. when children can meet Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus as part of the other activities. Starting after 4:30 p.m., the B-B-E Cub Scouts will hold a chili feed that runs until about 5:45 p.m. with a free will donation. Proceeds will go towards the B-B-E Area Food Shelf. The fun culminates with the annual Brooten Christmas lighted parade that begins at 6 p.m. running down main street.

You can see the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper photo gallery from the 2021 Brooten Santa Day by clicking on the following link:


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