Ashley Klingbeil enters Senate District 12 race for fall election

The first-time independent candidate is running a campaign focused on We the People and is ready to serve the great folks in MN Senate District 12.

Ashley Klingbeil recently announced her candidacy for Minnesota Senate District 12 in the 2022 General Election. Ashley, 29, was born and raised in SD12 and currently resides in Alexandria. She is a mother of 3 boys, a licensed realtor and has been active in local politics since 2020, including being a field organizer for the MNGOP during the 2020 General Election cycle.

Ashley is running as an independent to serve We the People. In order to qualify to appear as a candidate on the election ballot, she had to collect at least 500 signatures from individuals in MN Senate District 12. She had two weeks to collect the over 600 signatures she collected and submitted to the state via the Douglas County recorder's office. Klingbeil's ballot eligibility was confirmed June 7, 2022.

"I'm not a person who is ok with being complacent. I'm a natural-born rebel and I believe in fighting to preserve what makes our country great. If I see a threat to our freedom, I believe it is not only my right, but my duty to rebel," says Klingbeil of her campaign. "The complacency I am seeing in our nation is frustrating and quite honestly, a threat to me and my personal freedoms, which I value very highly. By complying with unconstitutional laws and orders, we are letting go of what makes our country the best."

Klingbeil continues, "I am taking a leap of faith running as an independent because I want my voice heard in St. Paul and that is what best represents my platform. My goals upon entering the Senate, are to ensure election integrity, restore liberty by reducing government power and inspire other everyday individuals to get involved. I hope the people of our district will stand up with me so that we can all be heard at the Capitol."

Ashley Klingbeil is an independent candidate running for election to MN Senate District 12. SD12 is comprised of portions of Douglas and Stearns and all of Big Stone, Pope, Stevens and Swift counties. The Klingbeil for Senate Campaign Committee can be contacted at or by writing to Klingbeil for Senate, PO Box 715, Alexandria, MN 56308 or by visiting

Note: Ashley Klingbeil and campaign staff and friends will be at the Brooten city park on Thursday, July 14 for an informal meet-and-greet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to stop by.


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