Gary Breitbach Memorial golf tournament (VIDEO)

Website photo gallery link is added

The Gary Breitbach Golf Memorial tournament was held on June 25 at Prairie View Community Golf Course with a total of 13 teams participating. A video from the live auction, led by Brooten's Scott Jacobson, is published with this web article.

Click on the following link to view the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper photo gallery:

Gary passed away in August 24, 2006 after a courageous battle with cancer. He was a proud supporter not only of anything happening in Elrosa, but also of the Prairie View Community golf course in Brooten. His legacy lives on not only through his family but also the many friends he made throughout the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa area through his work as president of Breitbach Construction Co. or through his support of community and athletic events with the Jaguars and Elrosa Saints.


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