Bonanza Valley Days is coming! July 7, 8, 9 and 10

*Updates to this article have been added on June 27

The annual celebration is coming to Brooten!

Bonanza Valley Days in Brooten is coming on Thursday through Sunday, July 7, 8, 9 and 10. We are down to just two weeks to prepare! This year's BVD theme is "Honor the Red, White and Blue in 2022" as a nod to patriotism and love for our country.

A lengthy list of activities are planned, and the BVD Committee is excited to have added food offerings, all the entertainment you could want, plus new and exciting children's activities that include Arts in the Park.

The Brooten Fire Department announced that the chicken BBQ will be ready to draw in folks from miles around on Friday night of BVD. From 5:30 to 7 p.m., the Life Link III helicopter will land near the city park for the public to get an up close look at. *This is weather-permitting and only if they are not needed for a medical call.

The worship in the park event to kick off BVD 2022 on Thursday, July 7 will include Father Jeremy Theis with the Parishes on the Prairie Area Catholic churches of B-B-E, Sauk Centre and West Union.

Anyone interested in purchasing a Bonanza Valley Days T-shirt are encouraged to sign up with your T-shirt order by stopping by the newspaper office during regular business hours next week at the newspaper office during regular business hours (1 to 5 p.m. Monday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday) and thereafter leading up to the week of BVD. Feel free to help the whole process by getting your order in early!

On Friday, July 8, Bonanza Valley Days will include a new feature called Art in the Park. This will be a Tie-Dye shirt project for any area youth interested and takes place that day at 1 p.m. at the city park. The projects should be wrapped up by 3 p.m. Details to follow!

FOOD OFFERING NOTE: the food truck that covered last summer's BVD Snowmobile show will now be in downtown Brooten all day and evening on Saturday with a wide variety of food offerings, including hamburgers and more. Details to come in the June 30 issue of The Voice. There are many, many other food offerings all weekend, including the KaDe Shack's famous Saturday morning breakfast buffet that coincides with the arrival of the car and tractor show crowd early that day.

The Bonanza Valley Days youth and adult 3-on-3 basketball tournaments run on Friday and Saturday, with the adult league running Friday night at the elementary school. Sign-up forms can be picked up at the newspaper office during regular business hours on June 27 and June 28. With any questions, contact Coach Anderson at (email)

The Miss Brooten pageant is at 6 p.m. on Saturday at the Brooten Pavilion and is open to the public.

The BVD grand parade is at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday and will once again be followed by the Bonanza Valley State Bank ice cream social for anyone and everyone who stops by the Brooten Pavilion following the parade.


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