Santa Day coming in Brooten: Saturday, December 18 (VIDEO)

Visits with Santa, kids' bingo, chili feed, lighted parade and more!! Spread the word!

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The community of Brooten invites townsfolk and folks from across the countryside and neighboring towns to come celebrate Christmas with Santa Day on Saturday, December 18. The event will run across approximately a three-hour period starting at 3:30 p.m. with Santa Claus and kids' bingo at the Brooten Lanes bowling alley. You can come then or come later into the event, which concludes that night with a 6 p.m. lighted parade down main street.

More details will follow.

Note: the poster printed in the Bonanza Valley Voice included an incorrect mention of Saturday, December 11 for the lighted parade. The parade will be on Saturday, December 18 to conclude the Santa Day event in Brooten (6 p.m. parade)

Here's the basic schedule:

3:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Brooten Lanes: Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus will visit and meet area children;

4:30 to 5:45 p.m. the Christmas Treasure Collection will run down Main Street (along the west sidewalk) for a walk-through or drive-through for people of all ages; children goodies will be handed out as part of this! *Included: Padua Pub cheeseburgers served by the bowling alley! Plus a Holiday Bag and bouncy ball, Christmas candy, puzzle and bracelet, Rudolf dummies, Crayons and coloring books, candy canes, paper airplane gliders, hot chocolate and pretzels! These are all free for everyone, and they were purchased with donated funds by Brooten-area businesses; that full list of business sponsors were published on the poster, which was in the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper's December 9 and December 16 issues.

5 to 6 p.m. at the KaDe Shack: a chili feed and bake sale, sponsored by the B-B-E Cub Scouts; FREE WILL donation! All proceeds will go to the B-B-E Area Food Shelf;

6 p.m. - the Christmas lighted parade down Main Street! This will conclude the event.


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