B-B-E zip codes post a 14

From the Minnesota Department of Health, the Belgrade, Brooten and Elrosa zip codes have posted the number 14 for the second straight week. This number of 14 represents new COVID-19 cases reported in the zip code areas of 56312, 56316 and 56325 between September 23 and September 29 in a population of about 4,300 people.

Just as crazy: the numbers were identical across the three zip codes from the September 16 report and September 23 report, which were reported last week on this website and also in the September 30 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper.

Belgrade 56312: 8 new cases

Brooten 56316: 4 new cases

Elrosa 56325: 2 new cases

It's worth pointing out that at MACCRAY, where they've been fully open with masking optional in the K-12 buildings since the first day of school on August 17, the Clara City zip code posted just 2 new COVID-19 cases in the last week. Maynard posted a zero, and Raymond posted a 13. They are close to having seven weeks of the 39-week school year completed (18 percent).

To the west, the Glenwood zip code area of 56334 posted a 19 for the second week in a row.


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