(VIDEO) Kandiyohi County Fair is off and running

Special historical event takes place on Friday at 1 p.m.

The Kandiyohi County Fair in Willmar is off to a terrific start, running from August 11 through Saturday night, August 14 along Foot Lake in Willmar. Their opening day on Wednesday, August 11 was one of their best in recent memory, according to county fair board chairman Darrell Fostervold. Turnout for the bull riding event was outstanding, and the fairway was very busy well past sunset. Gig Noonan provided live music on the free stage.

You can view a photo gallery of pictures from the 2019 Kandiyohi County Fair, taken on August 8 that year, at the following link: https://bit.ly/3iGDuvF.

Also, the final two nights of the fair in Willmar include a tractor and truck pull on Friday night and a demolition derby on Saturday.

Click here to see the Kandiyohi County Fair official website: http://www.kandifair.com/index.html.

Also, a 150th anniversary celebration of Kandiyohi County will take place at 1 p.m. on Friday, August 13 at Heritage Square Stage. Working in conjunction with the Kandiyohi County Historical Society in hiring PlaceBase Productions, a theater company that creates original, site-specific musicals and artistic experiences. PlaceBase Productions will create a production of stories and song to celebrate Kandiyohi County's 150th anniversary. They will use storytelling and original music-based on stories collected and research conducted. The theatrical production will involve local residents researching, creating and preforming in the final production. The Fair Association along with the Historical Society will have a display showcasing 150 Years of Kandiyohi County in the historic Log Cabin on the Fair Grounds. This will be open to the public for viewing the duration of the Fair.

Note: this web article will have updated video (present-day) posted to this web article on Friday night.


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