(VIDEO) Pope County Fair is underway in Glenwood

Fair dates for Pope County are August 4 to August 7

The Pope County Fair is underway in Glenwood! The full schedule was published in the July 29 and August 5 issues of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper issues. Below on this web article, you can watch an archive video of 4-H action from the fair in July 2019.

You can also read more on this year's fair at the fair website, including their schedule and other information: https://www.popecountyfair.org.

Thursday night update, August 5: click here to view a few photos taken today at the Pope County Fair, hosted at the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper SmugMug photo gallery (short link) = https://bit.ly/37nXUmK. If everything goes right with newspaper operation, The Voice will get additional coverage of the fair from Friday and Saturday this weekend. The fair is a very valuable and important part of the social fabric of central Minnesota. Please come out and show your support for their activities! The grandstand events are especially important, as the grandstand profits help pay for the upkeep and maintenance of the fairgrounds.


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