Just one new case locally (again)

June 17 MN Department of Health reports shows just one new local COVID-19 case

*Breaking news! For the past three weeks (May 27 to June 16) the zip code areas of Belgrade, Brooten and Elrosa have reported just two COVID-19 cases in a population of about 4,300 children and adults. That is tremendous news. Tremendous!!!

Just released at noon on Thursday, June 17, the latest Minnesota Department of Health reports shows just one new local COVID-19 case in the zip code areas of Brooten, Belgrade and Elrosa for the prior week of reporting.

Since January 2020, the Brooten 56316 zip code has reported 159 cases of COVID-19 (symptomatic and asymptomatic), a number that hasn't increased in the past two weeks. For Belgrade, the zip code area of 56312 has shown one new case in the reporting period of June 10 to June 16 to get to a cumulative number of 311 since January 2020. In Elrosa's city zip code of 56325, they have once again reported no new COVID-19 cases. They sit at 18 cases total since January 2020. From mid-December through this week, Elrosa has had just one new COVID-19 case reported.

This web article will hopefully be updated Thursday night with other zip code information across central Minnesota.

Update on Friday, June 18: be sure to take note of the latest from "Doctor Fauci" and his change of tune about the lab leak theory relating to the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.


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