Bonanza Valley Royal Strutters gun raffle on October 31

Event to be held at Padua Pub reception hall

The Bonanza Valley Royal Strutters chapter of the National Wild Federation will host a gun raffle "Gun Blast" fundraiser at the Padua Pub banquet hall on Saturday, October 31. Doors open at 5 p.m., and a light dinner will be served from 6 to 7:30 p.m. The cost for participation in a raffle drawing chance plus the meal is $30, and a meal-only option costs just $7.

The main gun to be raffled off is a Howa 6.5 Creedmor rifle that has been on display for the past few weeks at Bucky's Bar in Elrosa. Tickets are $20 per chance. License No. X-35830-20-021

Come out and support a great cause! This is a terrific conservation and hunting organization that promotes and supports many causes that make life in rural Minnesota more enjoyable.


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