(VIDEO) Easter Sunday worship

Below is Easter Sunday worship service at Norway Lake Lutheran parish of rural New London for April 12, 2020. Also featured here is a video of the choir singing at Easter Sunday sunrise service on April 21, 2019.

Enjoy, and may God bless you and your family!

Related: here's a video taking you back to Easter Sunday in 2010 (short link): https://bit.ly/3b13JH2.

A message from Norway Lake Parish, Pastor Wayne and the church councils, "We encourage everyone to keep reaching out to one another, including the church and Pastor Wayne, if there are ways we can support you. Please call if you're in need of prayer (320-354-4222). We will continue this online worship again next week. Please keep an eye to the Willmar radio COVID-19 updates and the church website. Feel free to call or e-mail me or the church office. Another gentle reminder, normally we would pass the offering plate at worship, but we are not able to do that. We know that this is a difficult financial time for everyone. Please remember that the parish operating expenses continue. You can mail a check to the parish office (address below), written to First Lutheran church or East Norway Lake Lutheran church. You can contribute through electronic funds transfer (EFT), and more information on that can be learned by calling the parish office."

Mailing address:

Norway Lake Parish

6338 County Road 40 Northwest

New London MN 56273


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