B-B-E Resistance Robotics set for Lake Superior Regional

Robotics team departed for Duluth on March 4

On the afternoon of Wednesday, March 4, 15 members of the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa Resistance Robotics team headed north to Duluth for the Lake Superior regional F.I.R.S.T. robotics contest. This year's team is the youngest group that B-B-E has sent to the regional contest since the program was founded in 2012. The oldest team member is a sophomore (Nic Walstrom), while four are freshmen, and the remainder are in seventh and eighth grade. They are led by first-year head coach Reed Adrian, who formerly was robotics coach at Kerkhoven-Murdock-Sunburg for the last three seasons.

The 2020 F.I.R.S.T. regional contest in Duluth runs from Thursday through Saturday this week. Thursday is a practice day, and the competition runs from Friday morning through Saturday afternoon.

Additional information can be found at this F.I.R.S.T. robotics website (short link): https://bit.ly/2VOQnZx. The Bonanza Valley Voice will create additional online content at our website as the week progresses.


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