Opportunity for livestock producers to learn more about Manure Management

Registration deadline is January 31

Feedlot producers in the North Fork of the Crow River Watershed District are invited and encouraged to attend a free Manure Management Workshop put on by the North Fork Crow River Watershed District, Stearns County Environmental Services Department, Stearns Soil and Water Conservation District and the University of Minnesota Extension Service. The workshop is designed to help producers see the advantages of and options for properly managing manure.

Many producers are required to keep records of manure application (location, date, amount, rate, etc.), and often, upon review, the records do not meet state requirements. The goal of this workshop is to walk producers through understanding the value of manure record keeping and options for keeping adequate records. Other topics that will be discussed are: manure application requirements, tools for meeting the requirements, grazing and funding for constructing manure storage areas. If a person wants, there will be opportunities to sit down one-on-one with staff to review manure records.

The workshop will be held Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at the Padua Pub. The snow date will be Tuesday, February 11 (and announced on the radio as determined by area school closings). The workshop will start at 9:30 a.m. with registration and end at 3:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided and prizes given away. RSVP by January 31 to North Fork Crow River Watershed District at (320) 346-2869 or to technfcrwsd@tds.net.

The MPCA is a sponsoring agency with a grant supporting a portion of Stearns County feedlot staffing. Stearns County does not claim that MPCA endorses its products or services.

Written by Shelby Richard-Hoffman, Stearns County Environmental Specialist


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