North Fork Crow River Watershed District

2020 Budget hearing notice

Notice is hereby given: the North Fork Crow River Watershed District Board of Managers will meet at the District Office, 1030 Front Street, Brooten MN, on Monday, September 9, 2019 at 8 p.m. for the purpose of considering the foregoing proposed budget with a General Levy of $250,000 and an Insurance and Bonding Levy of $9,000 (MN Statutes 466.06), for the fiscal year of January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. At such time, any interested person may appear either in person or by representative and will be given an opportunity for a full and complete discussion of the proposed budget set forth and contained in the following:

Bob Brauchler, President

North Fork Crow River Watershed district

Dated: August 20, 2019.

Operating expenses include: employee expenses of $199,475; managers expenses of $14,852; mileage expenses of $2,100; professional fees of $27,100; office expenses of $3,323; education of $9,150; other expenses of $2,500; and capital outlay expenses of $500. Total operating expenses: $259,000.

Income includes: Watershed District levy of $250,000; and Insurance and Bonding levy of $9,000. Total income: $259,000.


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