Weather-related announcements for Sunday, April 15

Winter continues across the Bonanza Valley area

Winter continues to rear its ugly head across the Bonanza Valley area. Just in Brooten, the town has received anywhere from five to eight inches of snow since Friday afternoon (April 13). The roads continue to be tricky, slick and snow-covered across the area. As a result, church services at West Lake Johanna, Trinity Lutheran in Brooten, Trinity Lutheran in Grove Lake and Crow River Lutheran churches have been cancelled for Sunday, April 15. Also, Sunday School is also cancelled at both Trinity churches and also Crow River church. An additional one to three inches of snow is predicted to fall today. *Don't forget to give double in the offering plate next Sunday!

Also, the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa Clay Trap shooting team session has been cancelled. They normally shoot on Sunday afternoons in April and May, but this spring two of their first three shoots have been nixed due to continued winter weather.

The Minnesota State Patrol has reported as of Sunday morning that they have responded to 405 crashes and discovered 911 cars off the roadways since Friday afternoon.

Please travel safely if you must venture out. Today would be wonderful day for board games as a family, reading books and, of course, reading newspapers! You are also welcome to take in video from Trinity Lutheran from Easter morning sunrise service. Also, by clicking at this link you can watch the Trinity Lutheran youth handbell choir in Brooten from Easter morning sunrise service:

From the Lutheran church's "Christ in Our Home" pocket book, the Bible scripture featured for April 15, the third Sunday of Easter, is from Luke 24, verses 36b to 48.

"You are witnesses of these things." (v. 48) Jesus appears to the disciples and points out that everything he had declared - everything he had said would happen - has happened. He makes it clear that nothing about his own resurrection is new information. Jesus reminds them that they know the story. They were called as disciples, followed in His steps, learned at His elbow, saw the miraculous, and ate with those considered by society as the worst of the worst. They are witnesses to everything God has done through Christ.

Jesus' words remind the disciples that they are, in fact, witnesses. They are not to invent but simply to tell what they have seen. Their job is to pass on the Good News that God has come, God has died, and that God lives again for everyone, without exception.

We are also witnesses. We have seen God at work in our lives. We have seen hurt find healing. We have seen the hungry ones fed. We do not need to invent new stories, find new things to teach or take on new work. We can simply tell what we have seen. In this, God is alive. Jesus, open our hearts to witness your love. Amen.

Prayer concern for the day: refugees and exiles.


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