Irrigation clinic is January 11

Deadline to register is Friday, January 5

The Pope County Soil and Water Conservation District has announced an irrigation clinic for Thursday, January 11 at the Forada Supper Club (8:30 a.m. registration, event ends at 2 o'clock). All area irrigators are invited and encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is required with a $10 registration fee that includes a meal; deadline is Friday, January 5.

This will be a great sharing and learning opportunity. Tentative agenda items include: chemigation and permitting, subsurface drip irrigation, reduced irrigation study and an update on the Bonanza Valley Groundwater Management Area project.

Local sponsors will be on site with informational booths and technologies.

To register, make checks payable to Pope SWCD; attendees can mail payments to Pope SWCD, attn Holly Kovarik, 1680 Franklin Street North, Glenwood MN 56334.

Registration at the door is $20, and a meal cannot be guaranteed. The Forada Supper Club is at 1380 County Road 4 S.E., Alexandria, MN 56308.


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