Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa health fair

After the busy holiday season, there is something to look forward to in January. In response to requests from community members, Glacial Ridge Homecare is hosting a free health fair for adults of all ages. The place to be for residents of the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa area and surrounding communities on Thursday, January 14 is the Belgrade City Hall Event Center from 7:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.

Meet General Surgeon, Dr. Felix Blanco, and other health professionals to learn about varicose veins, balance, advance directives, Medicare/Medicaid benefits, emergency preparedness, homecare services, and more.

Starting at 7:00 a.m., blood glucose and cholesterol testing is available. These tests require fasting (not eating at least 8 hours before the lab draw). The cost per test is $10.00, and the results will be sent to your home. Being available early makes it possible for people to stop in quick on their way to work. Enjoy a free continental breakfast after your lab work. Blood pressure checks will be done throughout the morning.

Set aside the date and join in on the education, socialization, refreshments and door prizes at the Belgrade-Brooten Health Fair. Watch for more details coming soon.

Glacial Ridge Hospital is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(3), 19-bed Critical Access, Trauma Level IV hospital located in Glenwood, MN serving Pope County and portions of the four adjoining counties. Glacial Ridge Health System is comprised of the hospital, two medical centers, an ambulance service, homecare, hospice, EMS training, and a fitness center. Through compassionate, caring and comprehensive health care services, Glacial Ridge Health System provides high quality services in state-of-the-art facilities which enhance the quality of life and promote healthy lifestyles for their patients, clients, employees, organization and communities.


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