Classic Co. opening day is coming!

Since the middle of September the town of Brooten has been buzzing about the activity taking place at Classic Co. Bar and Grill on the corner of Highway 55 and main street. Bob Paek, who started overseeing renovations on Sept. 14, remains as chef and manager of the bar and grill. While a firm opening date has not been set, the hope is to open on Tuesday, Nov. 3 (tentatively). If you're coming from out of town, please call ahead to check on the opening date or visit the Bonanza Valley Voice website for more up-to-date information.

Classic Co. Bar and Grills' phone number remains 320-346-2323. In the mean time, take a trip by at night and check out the added lights to the building. They will definitely turn heads!

**Update: the liquor license with the state was approved on Friday, Oct. 30. Classic Co. will be able to open on Tuesday, November 3.


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