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  • Terrace Mill Youth Theatre presents "Once upon a Leprechaun" July 20-21

    Randy Olson|Jul 21, 2016

    A cast of 29 youth will present the musical "Once upon a Leprechaun" this week Wednesday and Thursday, July 20 & 21, at 6:30 p.m. at the historic Terrace Mill in Terrace. The Terrace Mill Children's Theatre, in its 17th season, is under the direction of Julie Lloyd and Lucy Lloyd. This performance is put on by the Children's Musical Theatre Workshop I in Terrace. The town of Terrace is located 14 miles south of Glenwood on Highway 104. "Once upon a Leprechaun" is a hilarious musical spoof,...

  • Pope County Fair is underway!

    Randy Olson|Jul 21, 2016

    The 130th annual Pope County Fair in Glenwood is underway at the fair grounds on the west end of town. Sponsored by the Pope County Agricultural Society, the fair features grandstand entertainment four nights beginning tonight (Wednesday, July 20) with a Ranch Rodeo at 6:30 p.m. On Thursday the NTPA Tractor Pull is at 7 p.m., on Friday the antique tractor pull starts at 6:30 p.m., and on Saturday the demolition derby begins at 7 p.m. The kids carnival begins at 5 p.m. on Thursday (July 21), 3...

  • Terrace Mill hosts Family Picnic night on 4th of July

    Randy Olson|Jun 23, 2016

    The always-fun and always family-friendly Terrace Mill Foundation Family Picnic and Games night will be held on Monday, July 4 at the historic and scenic Terrace Mill. The potluck-style picnic is at 5 p.m., and games will follow at 6:30 p.m. Coffee, lemonade and prizes will be provided. It includes old-fashioned games and contests. See you in Terrace on the 4th!...

  • Minnesota Farmers Union hosts Focus on the Future Retreat

    Jun 2, 2016

    Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) prepares to host its fourth semi-annual leadership retreat, Focus on the Future, June 12-14th in Breezy Point, MN. The leadership retreat is focused on young family farmers and the successful future of farming in rural communities of Minnesota. "Our Focus on the Future retreat has been very successful and has brought together young and new farmers with experienced and established farmers to help build connections while attending educational break-out sessions...

  • A grand day for Syttende Mai in Sunburg

    Randy Olson|May 19, 2016

    The weather was absolutely perfect on Sunday, May 15, when Sunburg held their 12th annual Syttende Mai celebration of their deep-rooted Norwegian heritage. The first 28 minutes of the 40-minute long parade is shown in the video below. Additional video coverage is found at the Bonanza Valley Voice's online streaming website, although technical difficulties prevented a full stream of the entire parade from taking place. See more coverage and photos in the May 19 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice...

  • Syttende Mai is May 15 in Sunburg!

    Randy Olson|May 5, 2016

    The Sunburg Commercial Club is excited about a full day of activities planned for their 12th annual Syttende Mai celebration on Sunday, May 15. The day begins at the crack of dawn when the Kaffestua cafe opens at 7 a.m. Their buffet (11- 1:30) includes lutefisk, klub, meatballs and Rommegrot. At 9:30 a.m., Hope Lutheran Church will host a non-denominational church service, and at the same time, registration begins for the antique tractor pull at Glacial Plains Coop. The Sunburg Trolls Car Club...

  • Minnesota Farmers Union kicks off 2016 camp season

    Randy Olson|May 5, 2016

    Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) is delighted to kick off another fun-filled camp season for 2016. As parents begin to prepare their children’s schedules, MFU offers affordable and educational camps throughout Minnesota as an option. MFU professional camp counselors will be traveling around the state teaching campers about cooperative organizations, and collaboration, while most importantly having fun! Each camp is unique, with a different combination of crafts, games, lessons, songs, and skits all in the great outdoors. These activities are desig...

  • Terrace Sportsmens Club Spring Bingo

    Randy Olson|Apr 28, 2016

    The Terrace Sportsmens Club held their annual Spring Bingo night with a crowd of about 45 people on Saturday, April 23. Diane Rust of Glenwood, Renee Skogstad of Kerkhoven and Jacob Lutterman of Terrace were door prize winners. More photos appeared in the April 28 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper. You can see the full photo gallery from that night at

  • Syttende Mai is May 15 in Sunburg!

    Randy Olson|Apr 21, 2016

    The hand-quilted quilt shown is being sold by raffle as party of a full day of activities in Sunburg for their 12th annual Syttende Mai celebration on May 15. The quilt measures 88 inches high by 104 inches in width and will be on display at the Lake Region Bank or Kultur Hus in Sunburg. Next week's newspaper will include more detailed information on that day's schedule. (Last week's issue incorrectly said that the quilt is being auctioned, but it is being sold by raffle.)...

  • Loving life at age 87

    Randy Olson|Mar 24, 2016

    Donnie Lenarz of Elrosa has had a memorable and event-filled life. Now enjoying his 87th year of youthfulness, Lenarz is looking forward to spring and summer and the sights and sounds of baseball in the air. The youngest of five growing up with four older sisters, Lenarz had anything but an easy childhood or time as an adult. You'd never hear an ill word from him about his life, though. Read the full story in the March 24 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper....

  • Armed bank robbery in Sunburg

    Randy Olson|Mar 24, 2016

    Shortly before 12:10 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, an armed bank robbery took place at Lake Region Bank in Sunburg. By 12:20 p.m., four law enforcement officials had responded to the scene. Kandiyohi County sheriff deputies were asking onlookers and those who were nearby the bank at the time of the robbery whether or not they have seen a blue minivan or full-size van. No injuries were reported. An official news release by the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office has not been released yet. This...

  • Easter bunny visits Elrosa

    Randy Olson|Mar 17, 2016

    The Easter bunny visited Elrosa on Saturday, March 26 at the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church CCD center. Children all got a chance to stop and greet the Easter bunny and get a treat, while moms, dads and grandparents busily took as many pictures as they could. Children then could visit an Easter egg hunt before sitting down and coloring Easter-themed pages while enjoying cookies and milk. A total of 42 children came through before all were able to pick prizes given away at the end. The...

  • Padua Pub hosts St. Patrick's Day parade

    Randy Olson|Mar 17, 2016

    Shown is a video of the parade held on St. Patrick's Day, with a full day of celebrating hosted by the Padua Pub. This was the 36th annual St. Patrick's Day celebration hosted by the Padua Pub. Activities took place the entire day and well past sundown....

  • Sunburg Ham and Turkey Bingo

    Randy Olson|Mar 17, 2016

    The semi-annual Ham and Turkey Bingo fundraiser for the Sunburg Fire Department was held with over 115 participants on Saturday, March 19 at the fire hall and community center building. Needless to say, fun was had by all who attended! See more photos from the event in the March 24 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper....

  • House legislation addresses ag loans, taxes on farm properties

    Representative Paul Anderson|Mar 10, 2016

    With the first committee deadline a week away, bills are moving through the process. The House also passed its first bill of the session last Thursday, one that provides extended unemployment benefits to Iron Range workers, in addition to lowering the amount of money in the fund that provides those benefits. Businesses pay into the unemployment fund, and fewer claims up to this point had left the account more than adequately funded. I’m carrying legislation dealing with a program called Farmer-Lender Mediation. Originally passed in 1986 d...

  • Rubio, Sanders win Minnesota caucus vote

    Randy Olson|Mar 3, 2016

    Strong ground games for Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz helped them take first and second place, respectively, in Minnesota’s presidential preference ballot held on Tuesday night this week. With over 70 percent of precincts reporting, Rubio had 35.4 percent of the vote (25,407) to Cruz’s 29 percent (20,858). The third-place finisher was Donald Trump, who had 21.8 percent (15,665). Republicans in Kandiyohi County put Ted Cruz on top with 356 votes. Rubio was in second place (282), followed by Trump (165) and then Dr....

  • Child care unionization dominates town hall meeting in Willmar

    Randy Olson|Mar 3, 2016

    Over 50 people attended a town hall meeting in Willmar on Saturday at Cornerstone Coffee in the Skylark Mall. Senator Lyle Koenen (Clara City) and Representative Dave Baker (Willmar) led the meeting, in which the issue of child care unionization spurred the most discussion. Beyond that topic, transportation and the Appleton prison also brought ample feedback from the crowd. To read the full story, grab a copy of the March 3 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper....

  • Child care unionization election fails

    Randy Olson|Feb 25, 2016

    Below is a press release from the Speaker of the House in Minnesota, Representative Kurt Daudt, about today's ballot counting that resulted in AFSCME's day care unionization scheme failing by a huge margin. The final tally: 1,014 to 392. For day care business owners, the option to join AFSCME is still there. This election does not change the ability of a day care business owner to join the "Child Care Providers Together MN CCPT" union which has been in existence for a number of years in Minnesota. This week's print edition of the Bonanza...

  • Taking a closer look at child care unionization

    State Representative Paul Anderson - Starbuck|Feb 18, 2016

    Ballots for a child-care unionization vote were mailed out last week by the state. Providers who cared for children receiving state child care assistance within the past year were supposed to be allowed to vote. However, it now appears that only those providers who received state payments in December were on the list of eligible voters. Ballots are due back to the Bureau of Mediation Services by the end of the month. According to the legislative intent, nearly 2,400 providers should have been...

  • Senator Koenen to host town hall meeting

    Randy Olson|Feb 18, 2016

    Senator Lyle Koenen (DFL-Clara City) will host a town hall meeting with Representative Dave Baker at Cornerstone Coffee in Willmar's Skylark Mall on Saturday, Feb. 27. "I look forward to meeting with constituents to discuss the upcoming legislative session and the issues that matter most to Minnesota families and businesses." said Sen. Koenen. "Meetings like this afford me the opportunity to listen, learn, inform, and work with constituents toward a shared objective: making our communities the...

  • Braving the icy waters

    Randy Olson|Feb 11, 2016

    Dr. Felix Blanco, M.D., (far left) and other staff members at Glacial Ridge Health System in Glenwood took the plunge into the icy waters of Lake Minnewaska on Saturday afternoon (Feb. 6) during the annual Glenwood Winterama festivities. Overall the event had about 40 brave souls take part in the Polar Plunge. The Winterama event raises funds for Glenwood and Beyond as well as Waterama. See video and the photo gallery from the event at

  • Taxes, nursing homes among numerous topics at town hall meeting

    Randy Olson|Feb 4, 2016

    A discussion of issues ran the gamut of what’s on the minds of rural Minnesota citizens at a town hall meeting on Saturday in Glenwood. Hosted by State Representative Paul Anderson (District 12-B, Starbuck) at Central Square Civic Center, about a dozen individuals showed up to speak their mind. Anderson began by outlining the three big topics that will be the focus of the 2016 Legislative session that begins on March 8: a tax bill, a transportation bill and a bonding bill. “The tax bill is sitting in a conference committee where it was lef...

  • Belgrade Lions Family FUN Day: fun for everyone

    Randy Olson|Feb 4, 2016

    Fun was had by all ages on Sunday, Jan. 31 at the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa high school. The Belgrade Lions Club hosted their annual B-B-E Family FUN Day....

  • Prosperous Glacial Ridge Ambulance Toy Drive helps holidays sparkle

    Jan 7, 2016

    Glacial Ridge Ambulance's 9th Annual Holiday Toy Drive turned out to be the most successful one ever. Our generous community gave new toys, clothes and more including Minnewaska Laker stocking hats, jewelry, and cologne to brighten Christmas morning for area children and teens. The giving doesn't stop there. When ambulance crews were spending monetary donations to fulfill kids' wish lists, local stores contributed by giving discounts or additional gifts. Collecting toys and shopping for kids...

  • Suspected animal abuse in Elrosa

    Randy Olson|Jan 7, 2016

    A middle-aged man was seen by multiple witnesses dragging a leashed small dog down an alley in Elrosa at about 2 p.m. on Sunday afternoon, January 10. One individual who witnessed the incident yelled at the man, who ignored the plea to stop dragging the dog by the leash. The temperature hovered at about two degrees below zero while this was happening. The location of the alley where this took place runs behind 111 State Street in Elrosa, or what is more commonly known as Highway 71 that runs...

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