Sorted by date Results 301 - 325 of 383
The Pope County Soil and Water Conservation District has announced an irrigation clinic for Thursday, January 11 at the Forada Supper Club (8:30 a.m. registration, event ends at 2 o'clock). All area irrigators are invited and encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is required with a $10 registration fee that includes a meal; deadline is Friday, January 5. This will be a great sharing and learning opportunity. Tentative agenda items include: chemigation and permitting, subsurface drip...
A full sanctuary was in God's house for Thanksgiving Eve worship at East Norway Lake Lutheran church on Wednesday, November 22. The joint Norway Lake Parish of ENL and First Lutheran churches hosted worship that night following supper provided by parish youth. See video below of the Norway Lake parish joint choir singing "We Thank Thee" for special music. Follow this link to the B-B-E Jaguars sports blog, where a video of Pastor Wayne Kopitzke's children's sermon has been posted. It is just shy...
Each spring and fall, the Sunburg fire fighters hold ham and turkey bingo to raise funds for their department. This fall, one of their own passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. Dale Hagen, a 25-year member of the department, died on October 15 after fighting cancer since February 2016. His wife, Andrea, and their son, Darin, along with many other members of the Hagen family were joined by hundreds of supporters from throughout the area on Saturday, November 18 at Sunburg's fire...
The Bible verse above, from Proverbs 31:25, summed it up best as over 500 gathered to both mourn and celebrate the life of Tenley Jo Thompson, whose funeral was held on Saturday, November 4, at Peace Lutheran church in New London. What follows is the sermon given by Pastor Wayne Kopitzke, who led off his sermon with this Bible verse: 2 Corinthians 9:15, Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift! In the face of what the families have been through, the darkest fear, the death of your child. We...
Tenley Thompson was called home to the arms of Jesus, Our Lord, on Monday, October 30. A feature story about her life will be in this week's (November 2) issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper. Below is her obituary, released by the Thompson family late Tuesday afternoon. Tenley Jo Thompson, age 7, of rural Pennock, died Monday, October 30, 2017, at her home. Her funeral service will be 11:00 am Saturday, November 4, at Peace Lutheran Church in New London with Rev. Wayne D. Kopitzke...
The Dave and Clara Rooney family hosted the 37th annual OktoberFest at the Padua Pub on Wednesday, October 4. Turnout ran strong throughout the four-hour long evening German Smorgasbord, with a variety of Deutsches Essen! The Pub's reception hall had a full house soon after 5 p.m. and well past 7 o'clock. While enjoying their delicious supper, guests at the Padua Pub enjoyed old-time classic country and modern music from Jerry's One-Man Band of Melrose. (HD video below)...
Sketchy weather across west central Minnesota held off for the entire afternoon during the 38th annual Terrace Fall Festival and Fiddlers Jamboree on Sunday, Sept. 24. While the forecast, combined with difficult weather in the week leading up to the day, hurt turnout for the event, the weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of those who made it to the scenic amphitheater of the Terrace Mill. Catch additional coverage of the event in the Sept. 28 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice...
Shown is a 40-minute video of the pageant held as a fundraiser for the Sedan Fire and Rescue crew on Friday, Aug. 18 during Sedan Daze. More coverage and photos will appear in the Aug. 24 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper....
The Fall Festival is coming once again to Trinity Lutheran Church of Grove Lake, Sunday, Sept. 3 serving from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Featuring hot pork sandwiches, salad and dessert. Bake, produce and craft sale! All are welcome! Come out and support the first fall church event of the Bonanza Valley area!...
Back by popular demand! The Sedan volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad invites everyone from across the area to attend the Sedan Fire Daze fundraising celebration on Friday, August 18 in Sedan. The night kicks off with a parade at 6 p.m., followed by a "pageant" at 7:30 p.m. After 9 p.m., those 21 and older can enjoy a street dance featuring the local band Wasted Time. A raffle (gun and other prizes) will be held at 10 p.m., and a food stand will run all night. All proceeds will go to the...
The 117th annual Kandiyohi County Fair is underway in Willmar after kicking off its four-day schedule on Wednesday, Aug. 9. The fair board invites everyone throughout west central Minnesota and beyond to come over and take in their many fun, family-friendly events now through Saturday night. You can take in the entire schedule at the Jaguar Sports Blog website by clicking on this link and then double-clicking on the fair advertisement graphic: Kandiyohi County Fair schedule a...
Shown is video from the curtain call of Three Murders and It's Only Monday on the opening night of the recent performances held at the Little Theater in New London from August 3 to August 13. The play was directed by 1996 Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa graduate Thom Rosengren of Belgrade....
The show "Three Murders and It's Only Monday" opened with a near-capacity crowd on Thursday, August 3 for the first of seven performances at the Little Theater in New London. Director Thom Rosengren couldn't have been happier with the turnout. "Tonight was great," he said while his cast shook hands and greeted fans outside the Little Theater after the opening performance was complete. "We're very pleased with the turnout. We are excited for the remaining nights." Show dates are August 3 to...
The Pope County Agricultural Society invites everyone from across the area to take in the 131st annual Pope County Free Fair starting today (Wednesday, Aug. 2) and running through Saturday night. On Wednesday night, the feature entertainment is a Birch Coulee Arena Ranch Rodeo on Hometown Hero Day at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Day Care Day, has a special Fun at the Fair Day camp from 8 a.m. to noon. Other events include a Racing Pigeon release at 10:30 a.m., Eurobungee from noon to 9 p.m., a dairy...
Below is a long video clip from Act I of the 'Peter Pan' musical performed by the Terrace Mill Childrens' Theater. See more coverage and photos in the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper. Click on this link to view the photo gallery with 161 photos from opening night in Terrace:
The night could not have worked out better for the opening show of 'Peter Pan' by the Terrace Mill Children's Theater group. Over 200 were in attendance to watch 35 young thespians put on a terrific showing of the musical. Check out some of the photos and video attached. Spread the word to get everyone in your neighborhood to attend the final show, tonight, Thursday, July 20, at 6:30 p.m. in Terrace. Co-directors are Julie and Lucy Lloyd, with Lucy Lloyd also playing the role of the pirate...
The annual Stearns County Fair opens up this week on Wednesday, July 26 in Sauk Centre. Every year, the Stearns County Fair draws 25,000 to 30,000 people to the fairgrounds to enjoy all of the fun and festivities. The 2017 season will be the 116th year that the fair has been running, and they continue to hold it at the same place it started. Highlights of the Stearns County Fair include a draft horse parade, the Crescent City Amusements carnival, live music, a ranch rodeo, multiple demolotion...
Attention! Calling on anyone wishing to raise the profile and the stature of rural Minnesota and rural America as it pertains to federal government policy...your input is actively being sought by the Minnesota Farmers Union (MFU) organization. MFU is currently holding “The next Farm Bill rural voices discussion” events across rural Minnesota. The next meeting in central Minnesota will be on Thursday, July 27 from 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Willmar American Legion Post 167 (220 19th Ave. S.W.). What do you think is essential to include in the...
The 47th annual Sinclair Lewis Days celebration kicked off in Sauk Centre on Wednesday night, July 12, with Wacky Water Night at Sinclair Lewis Park. Turtle races and a kids' concert were other highlights for the night. Events continue on Thursday with a pie and ice cream social at 2 p.m. at the Sauk Centre senior center. The Miss Sauk Centre Pageant is at 7 p.m. at the high school auditorium. Here's what else is coming this weekend: Friday, July 14: Yoga in the Park with Yoga MamaZ at Sinclair...
The Terrace Mill Children's Theater is excited to announce that a cast of 35 youth will reprise the timeless classic 'Peter Pan' on the Terrace Mill stage this week, Wednesday and Thursday, July 19-20. Show times on both Wednesday and Thursday are at 6:30 p.m. at the historic Terrace Mill. The Terrace Mill Children's Theater, now in its 18th season, is under the direction of Julie Lloyd and Lucy Lloyd. This performance is put on by the Children's Musical Theater Workshop I in Terrace. Admission...
The Terrace Mill Foundation is excited to host their annual Fourth of July Family Fun Picnic on Tuesday, July 4 at the scenic and historic Terrace Mill. The picnic is a "bring your own picnic" event starting at 5 p.m., and coffee and lemonade will be provided. At 6:30 p.m., old-fashioned games and contests for all ages will begin, including turtle races, potato sack races, an egg toss and more. Families are encouraged to bring their own turtle for the races! If you're looking for a laid-back...
The annual New London Water Days celebration and activities are set for July 10-16. After the Medallion Hunt begins on Monday, July 10, a long list of five days' worth of activities kick off on Wednesday with the New London royalty style show at 7 p.m. at the Covenant Church. A summer music concert is at 6:30 p.m. the next night at Glacial Ridge Winery, featuring "Skippin Stones". Friday's activities include a tennis tournament at the high school, a book sale at Peace Lutheran Church (7 a.m. to...
The Sunburg Fire Department hosted a dinner and street dance fundraiser on Saturday, June 3 at the fire hall. The featured band was Hicktown Mafia. The friendly members of the fire department served dinner and hosted the dance! From left, three of the Sunburg firemen working at the dinner: Brian Sweere, Todd Rudningen and Nathan Ruka....
Shown is video from the Memorial Day program held on Sunday, May 28, 2017 in Grove Lake, Minnesota. See photos from the event in the June 1 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper....
The city of Sunburg held its 13th annual Syttende Mai celebration on Sunday, May 21 with a long list of activities covering about a 10-hour period. The grand parade was held at 3:30 p.m. that day, and video from that can be seen below. Photos from the parade as well as the Sunburg Fire Department hamburger feed were published in the May 25 issue of the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper....