Sorted by date Results 226 - 250 of 383
Every day it becomes more and more obvious that we're all in danger while living under the current regime in the United States. The recent Class II chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio, says it all about how incompetent this federal government is. A chemical spill from a high hazard flammable train derailment that caused a 100-foot tall fireball to erupt from the ground, and the major media across the U.S. appears to be providing cover for the Joe Biden regime and his underlings. You could...
"Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles." - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky was a Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist and journalist who passed away in 1881....
It's incredible to see the lengths that the corporate media will go to protect and run cover for Big Pharma in the United States. Below is just one small example of the incredible lack of critical thinking and independent through exists at cable "news" outlets such as MSNBC. This television personality in the video thinks that heart problems she experienced was due to the common cold virus. You cannot make up how desperate people can be when their employers are funded by Big...
Center for Disease Control and Prevention directory Rochelle Walensky repeated a whopper of a lie while providing testimony under oath with the U.S. Congress on Wednesday, February 8. When asked if the government had conducted follow up testing on the effectiveness of masking school children, Walensky took it upon herself to speak for all doctors across America. Her assertion that was all doctors in all corners of the U.S. agreed that masking was essential to protect school children. In the...
Definitive scientific evidence has been collected and is being now shared from Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis from Italy how Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function and inflammation. Recent data also suggests that Vitamin D supplementation provides a protective role against bad outcomes from respiratory infections. The 15-minute video below by Dr. John Campbell of the United Kingdom gives a detailed review of this study. In his opinion, it is unethical for any medical...
In a major recent announcement, the United Kingdom has announced that no one under 50 who is not part of an at-risk group will be eligible to receive a COVID booster. The U.K.'s drive for COVID-19 boosters for 16- to 49-year olds who are not in a clinical risk group will end on February 12, 2023, as well as their fall booster drive for those over age 50. The nine-minute long video below explains a handful of news releases that outline this dramatic change to the treatment plans for the COVID-19...
Here's a special Paul Harvey video found on YouTube at the official Paul Harvey Archives channel....
Oh boy! Here it comes! The "Kraken" variant is coming our way! Wow! It's been sequenced out to be 73 percent of all cases in New York. Good grief! How are we going to survive? Are you trembling in fear yet? There are players out there who sure want you to be. If they can't get your attention with the "Kraken" variant, what on earth are they going to do next?...
This was just epic....
In 1965, American radio host Paul Harvey gave an immense warning to the American people about the fate of the nation. "We Were Warned: Freedom to Chains" is a short film about the parallels between the warning Harvey gave over fifty years ago, and today with the socialist influences in government and society. This video is an edit of the short film created to provide only the audio without the visuals seen in the original. Harvey's speech lasts about 9 minutes. He was born in Tulsa, OK on September 4, 1918 and passed away on February 28, 2009...
Try to get through the video without laughing....
From Carl Vernon's YouTube channel out of the United Kingdom, where the producer pieces together news headlines from around the globe that clearly illustrate why humanity as we know it is in trouble....
It is not looking good for first responder organizations and especially police departments all over the United States right now. In some states, the outlook is quite bleak in terms of whether or not they can fill the ranks of their police departments. The incessant war on cops is catching up to us. How will we respond to this in 2023?...
From the desk of the newspaper publisher: On Tuesday night, December 6, I recorded this short sports show in the courtyard behind the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper office. (Video below) Here's another example of what I'm getting at in that video. Back on the night of September 23, 2019, I was having a very hard time here with the newspaper. There were many things swirling over my head at the time, and I was really at my wit's end. That fall I was starting to form plans to sell the newspaper the following January. On that special evening in...
Written on November 28. Some things in life I'll never understand. One of them is why the left hates Thanksgiving so much. My family and many other families across the Bonanza Valley area really enjoyed our now-completed Thanksgiving weekends. You can even take in the Thanksgiving Eve worship held at Big Grove Lutheran church on Thanksgiving Eve on this newspaper website. In the video below, MSNBC's Joy Reid illustrates how the left views Thanksgiving, and the commentator in the video breaks...
Every day reality becomes more and more warped as humanity dives deeper and deeper into the abyss of stupidity....
Check out the New York state governor basking up her re-election while dancing unmasked around a large group of masked school children...this is a sick show to take in. That is one sick woman (Hochul)!! Why doesn't she have the decency to mask up when all the kids around her are wearing face coverings? For over two years, we've seen a special type of obsession where Democrat politicians spend time around large groups of masked-up children. It's one of the sickest, most disturbing things I've...
This video collection of recent news headlines illustrate why humanity gets dumber and dumber by the day - or even by the hour it seems!...
We see New York State is in further decline in becoming a national cesspool in America, led by "I'm so brave" Kathy Hocul, who is so brave she will ride the subway in New York City while surrounded by multiple armed guards. "So Brave"...
There's nothing better than watching New York Congresswoman AOC embarrass herself for all the world to see. Her latest antics on Twitter have done just that....
There's so much to unpack from this video, where do I begin? Lately there's a trend in the college academia world plus major media - and, how can I forget - the nation's largest teachers union, to call for "amnesty" from what those powerful players in American society did across 2020, 2021 and 2022 to inflict harm and suffering on citizens throughout the pandemic. They are quietly admitting they were wrong and now want us to forgive them. Well - as the video says - SORRY, we are not going to...
Excess deaths in the United Kingdom are currently 1,564 per week above the statistical average. This mind-blowing statistic compares to a figure of 1,322 excess deaths per week in the U.K. in 2021. In 2020, before the completely "safe and effective" COVID-19 treatments were unleashed by global pharmaceutical conglomerates, the excess deaths per week figure was 315 during the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic. Let all that sink in for a moment. The figures are both stunning and appalling. The video...
Julie Powell, a food writer from England, was a terrible human being who once celebrated when un-jabbed people died either from or with COVID-19. On her Twitter account on October 1, 2021, she stated that COVID-19 was "killing the right people" from her perspective. Powell "died suddenly at age 49 on October 26 at her family's home. Her husband stated that her cause of death was a heart attack. This is a tragic end for a woman who had so much love in her heart for mankind. (I'm joking on this last part of this last sentence. According to her...
The hard shift to authoritarianism over the past three years by countries like New Zealand and Australia is stunning and shocking. This video here explains what is happening in New Zealand, where the government is openly encouraging its citizens to "turn in their friends or neighbors" if they don't tow the line on the official government narrative of the day. Will we let this happen in the United States? Does the public understand the danger of allowing government to decide what is "truth" and...
This video was just too good not to share. The governor candidate in Arizona roasted reporters in the room with a fair question: Democrats can question election results, but Republicans can't? People can love candidate Kari Lake or hate her, but she gives an excellent point in this video....