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  • Dayton-Appointed judge rules Walz may continue dictatorship in perpetuity

    Sep 3, 2020

    Ramsey County District Court Judge Thomas Gilligan, a Dayton-Appointee on Tuesday, September 1, ruled that Governor Tim Walz may continue to usurp the legislative process in perpetuity. Free Minnesota, a coalition of citizens and small businesses filed a petition for Quo Warranto lawsuit in May, alleging that the governor was beyond the executive authority granted him by the state constitution and has been exercising purely legislative power by issuing his numerous decrees in response to the Covid-19 virus. The lawsuit was joined by the New...

  • What is socialism?

    Sep 3, 2020

    The young followers of "progressive" Democrats like Biden and Harris don't realize what they stand for. They advocate socialism which means they intend to control the economy and install a regime with themselves at the top. Would these socialist Democrats really give away free health care, housing, college education, and a guaranteed income? For a time-until they ran out of other people's money and the country became bankrupt. Do the Democrat groupies understand this? Who taught them that socialism was good? Socialism has been tried in dozens...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Aug 27, 2020

    I would just like to warn anyone who is planning on displaying Democratic posters in your yards- there is a good chance that they will be stolen. This is not just happening in our area but also in the Alexandria/Carlos area. To whomever is doing this. In Minnesota, trespassing is a misdemeanor and could result in 90 days in jail and/or $1,000 fine. Be aware, the motion sensor cameras are going up. Arlene Bayer, Belgrade...

  • (VIDEO) What science says about Vitamin D and the SARS-2 virus

    Randy Olson|Jul 30, 2020

    Did you know that most of your Vitamin D is produced by your kidneys? And Vitamin D is actually a hormone? This is why kidney problems can affect bone health. Vitamin D is an immuno-modulator. It affects the innate and adaptive immune systems. The kidneys have an important role in making vitamin D useful to the body. The kidneys convert Vitamin D from supplements or the sun to the active form of Vitamin D that is needed by the body. With chronic kidney disease, low Vitamin D levels can be...

  • Good news

    Randy Olson|Jun 11, 2020

    In a nutshell... 1.) The Elrosa Saints amateur baseball team (and other Stearns County League town teams) will play games this weekend - Friday through Sunday, June 12 to June 14. Elrosa kicks things off with a home game against Cold Spring at 7 p.m. on Friday night. Here's a link to the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper's sports blog that provides more detail: http://bbejaguars.blogspot.com/2020/06/hallelujah.html. 2.) On-site worshiping will resume at West Lake Johanna and Trinity Lutheran churches of Brooten. Information on that will be in the...

  • End the lock downs

    Jun 11, 2020

    Since no one has ended the governor's unlawful lockdown, if the Dems start finding news articles like what was posted through Reuters at MSN-Dot-Com on June 11, we can expect the lockdown to continue: "U.S. could reach 200,000 coronavirus deaths in September, expert says" And the US death count very well could reach 200k because 70-90% of deaths in areas across the country have been in eldercare facilities and VERY short-sighted, and even ignorant leaders still have not locked down those facilities and required testing for anyone who wants to...

  • Federal CDC guidelines for re-opening schools this fall

    Randy Olson|May 28, 2020

    The feeling of despair runs deep after watching this video. The level of kids un-enrolled from schools because of this will be unfathomable. My family will take no part in this. Now is the time to study requirements for home schooling. Now is the time to sound the alarm....

  • Newspaper editor's blog back in business

    Randy Olson|May 21, 2020

    After being mostly dormant since the Bonanza Valley Voice adopted use of a formal website late in 2015, the publisher's blog has been dusted off and is back in business. I've added the ability to easily access this blog from my cell phone, giving me the ability to add breaking news very quickly and easily while out and about. (Although, currently there's not much "out and about" to take in.) Here's the link you can bookmark: https://lifeinbonanzavalley.blogspot.com. One neat feature is the...

  • More COVID-19 deaths will come

    May 14, 2020

    It is important at this point that people understand that more transmissions and deaths will occur after reopening as the lockdowns end, and they suppress the fear the national media will generate by reporting on the spread of the virus again. People who gave in to fear and allowed it to direct their thoughts and actions when the virus initially hit us may have understood that social distancing and lockdowns would stop the spread of the virus or even end the virus. Nobody said that. Those mitigation efforts were taken to slow the spread of the...

  • Dusting off a newspaper blog

    Randy Olson|May 14, 2020

    Click here to read more about the Bonanza Valley Voice publisher's blog. I am "shaking the dust off of it" after it has been relatively dormant since late 2015. I've added the ability to easily access this blog from my cell phone, giving me the ability to add breaking news very quickly and easily while out and about. (Although, currently there's not much "out and about" to take in.) Here's the link you can bookmark: https://lifeinbonanzavalley.blogspot.com . One neat feature is the ability for...

  • COVID-19 Lessons: Government Accountability (Part 2)

    Terry Larson|May 7, 2020

    Governors' COVID-19 lockdowns have brought death into our country on several levels. Our constitutional republic may have taken a final deathblow when everyone agreed to be ruled by executive orders. Everyone is looking to Government to save them from the virus and will continue to look to Government during the coming Depression. Over decades we moved to the point where the federal executive branch makes, applies and enforces our laws. We are close to the position the German people were in before they allowed their ruler to begin taking power i...

  • Confusion will reign

    Randy Olson|May 7, 2020

    On Wednesday, May 6, Minnesota Department of Health officials quietly admitted an important point that major media has not picked up on. In their statewide media briefing, MDH officials quietly admitted that most new COVID cases this week are with people who don't speak English or have a hard time understanding English. (Their words) They are workers at meat processing plants, or they are family members of those workers. At one meat packing plant in Minnesota, 58 languages are spoken. That is a recipe for disaster in a global pandemic....

  • Lost our support

    Randy Olson|May 7, 2020

    This has been building up for the past three weeks, and this week it is official: this newspaper family has ended our support for Governor Tim Walz and his administration's approach to the COVID virus. In the Friday, May 8 media briefing, Walz and his officials spouted bizarre fear tactics regarding potential graduation ceremonies at high school football stadiums, mainly in rural Minnesota where graduating classes can be quite small. Example given by a journalist today: in schools such as Chokio-Alberta and Hancock, their graduating classes...

  • Opinion: we need a Farm Foreclosure Moratorium

    Apr 16, 2020

    Over the past month, Minnesota and our country overall have been focusing on two co-occurring crises: the COVID-19 public health emergency, and an economy on life support. Our state is taking the necessary steps to maintain public health by extending our "stay-at-home" order, and has taken significant steps to help small businesses by providing SBA loans and by expanding unemployment insurance to make sure frontline workers who contract COVID-19 on the job have access to workers' compensation. But a number of our rural colleagues in the farming...

  • Lockdowns: we are in a fight or flight moment

    Apr 9, 2020

    USA Today reported "Coronavirus response delayed despite health officials' private alarm" on April 7. Within all the rot in that article written to criticize and accuse federal authorities of mishandling the COVID-19 threat, you can read that a federal official acknowledged on February 27 that the outbreak was already significant and could not be "outrun". USA Today is critical of authorities for not responding quickly enough as USA Today sees it, for taking some time to think about what to do. But the federal government has served us well in...

  • (VIDEO) How can you not LOVE the power of this song

    Randy Olson|Apr 9, 2020

    This video (below) features the choir at East Norway Lake Lutheran church (and volunteer singers from the congregants) on sunrise worship service on Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010. This video clip is very special to me, as it includes the late Rose Aasen, who is seated in a chair on the far left of the choir (from the vantage point of the videocamera). Holding the music for her is her daughter-in-law Nancy, married to her son David. Rose was a very close friend of my late father. She was a...

  • Now more than ever in history

    Randy Olson|Mar 26, 2020

    Let this be a lesson for everyone that, in no clearer terms, personal responsibility can literally save our country!!! Be smart! Be well! Stay well! Do not be selfish and spread your germs to other people, especially senior citizens and other children and adults who have conditions that make them more vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. Everyone has a responsibility to mitigate or stop the progression of COVID-19 through our society. We're not asking people to dodge bombs falling from the sky like what happened across Europe between 1939 and...

  • Take the journey

    Randy Olson|Mar 26, 2020

    Sometimes you just have to take the journey. Often, it requires a leap of faith. (VIDEO)...

  • Political correctness can kill

    Randy Olson|Mar 12, 2020

    Instead of re-saying what is said in this video...just watch the video. It's wild that so-called health experts are more worried about offending people than about actually stopping a global pandemic. Another thought: when you read the headline "CNN envisions how coronovirus can help Democrats win"...you know we are in trouble. (That panel of talking heads on CNN was just plain sick to have a discussion like that!) From Sean Davis on Twitter: "Corporate political media hate you, they hate the...

  • Opinion: stealing is wrong

    Feb 13, 2020

    Lately operating a business in Brooten has become challenging on multiple fronts. If I explained everything I'm thinking right now, I'd probably lose half of my subscribers because of how offended they would be. So let's just say I am gonna keep certain things to myself. As far as other events, well, I am certainly not going to be quiet about them. And what I have to say probably will offend a large portion of my readers. Oh, well. "If you can't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." It's been extremely difficult to run my newspaper op...

  • The clean up crew

    Randy Olson|Feb 6, 2020

    Three businesses in our area were severely harmed by many years of wrongdoing by the Brooten Commercial Club. They are Rooney's Bar of Sedan and the KaDe Shack and Marcia's Bar in Brooten. Some who will read this don't know the full story, but I am happy to tell you that the three businesses just mentioned are regaining strength and are recovering from what happened to them leading up to the end of 2018. Now that the clean up crew is doing their job, the struggle continues in finding out what happened and why. Those involved in this clean up...

  • Big government logic

    Randy Olson|Jan 30, 2020

    Big Government logic in 5 steps: Step 1. Create a law. Step 2. Realize the unintended consequences. Step 3. Spend taxpayer money to try and rectify it. Step 4. Realize problem hasn't been solved. Step 5. Spend more taxpayer money....

  • It amazes me

    Randy Olson|Jan 9, 2020

    It's amazing to watch and wonder what on earth is going through the minds of parents who drop their kids off at our elementary school, and immediately upon driving away on the boulevard by the school entrance - their eyes shoot down in reflexive fashion to their phones. There are days where I walk away in sheer horror as the ratio of parents who do this and who don't do this rises to near one-out-of-two. So your child or children are safe in the building, and somehow that makes it okay to drive away from the school with your eyes glued to your...

  • Tremendous!

    Randy Olson|Nov 14, 2019

    The Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa community displayed terrific, outstanding support for the B-B-E Jaguars volleyball team! These posters were distributed around the towns the week of the state tournament. Posters printed by Murphey's Printing of Brooten. The business directory on this website includes a listing for Murphey's Printing. (Short link) https://bit.ly/2X69A7v....

  • Grandpa wisdom

    Randy Olson|Sep 12, 2019

    As spoken by Kelsey Michele Weimerskirch about her grandpa Dennis Weimerskirch at his funeral on September 7 in Belgrade: 1. Be kind to others; you never know what battle someone else is facing. 2. Work hard, enjoy your successes and be humble. 3. Being positive takes much less energy than being negative. 4. Always lend a helping hand, you'll never regret serving others. 5. Love your family with all that you have. I will never forget seeing Grandpa dancing in their kitchen with Grandma. He...

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