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News flash: physical inactivity increases the risks of the most severe COVID-19 outcomes, according to a new study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. People who are consistently inactive have a higher risk of hospitalization, admission to ICU and death than people who consistently meet the government's physical activity guidelines. As the speaker in the video below says, meeting that threshold set by the government for being physically active is a very low bar to meet for the typical able-bodied child or adult. Example: the...
It was all on full display when U.S. Congressman Jim Jordan went head-to-head on camera with Dr. Fauci this week. Despite being asked multiple times to provide concrete numbers on "when will this all end", Fauci refused to say what metrics will be used in order for government officials like himself to turn back the fear dials on the public. Embedded here is a lengthy video that touches on a variety of topics. It's focused on how the narrative of fear has been driving the messaging coming from...
A variety of topics are discussed in this video: the so-called "science" of double masking, whether an economist can comment on COVID, how a Hopkins surgeon was canceled by the evil company that goes by the name Facebook, among other issues. The guest contributor here is Dr. Vinay Prasad....
This week, the Senate passed legislation with tri-partisan support that would reassert a fair balance of governing power between the legislative branch and the executive branch during future states of emergency. The bill would reign in any future Governor from asserting emergency powers without input from the Legislature. After a year of Walz renewing his emergency powers in 30-day intervals, Senate Republicans want to ensure Minnesotans are never held to one-man-rule again. This bill will require legislative approval to extend emergency...
In one of the most bizarre situations imaginable, the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a negative statement on Ivermectin without offering any data to back it up. To date (March 8, 2021) a total of 47 studies around the world have taken place on the use of the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin against COVID-19. Numerous studies have shown recognizable and valuable efficacy (effectiveness) of Ivermectin against COVID-19. It pains me to have to say that "you should not overdose" on...
Featured is a video of Dr. Pamela Popper speaking about how some experts have said the COVID-19 pandemic will end. See below....
Here's a video asking people to re-think this idea of a new strain of the coronavirus being more deadly. This message is intended to provoke thought and extended critical thinking. It is not meant to suggest that COVID-19 is not a threat....
Here's a four-minute video that I felt was worth sharing. Government allows drug users to set up camps in public spaces and openly condones behavior that spreads filth and disease on a regular basis. Does the government believe that's somehow virtuous and should not be discouraged? Yet at the same time, the government uses the coronavirus as an excuse to destroy thousands and thousands of small businesses across America? According to the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), in 2019, the United States had 30.7 million small...
This was an amazing video to take in! Ivermectin is low-cost, available on a global scale - and best of all - it has multiple randomized control trials showing favor on its use against COVID-19. It has been on the market since 1981, and it has shown effectiveness in both preventing COVID-19 infections and in clearing COVID-19 infections. Now doctors need to follow suit and study the data for themselves....
Who else out there plants a family garden? I loved this video and felt it was worth sharing. We don't plant a huge amount of potatoes, but it's still worth learning what was shared here from The Homestead Mentor on YouTube....
During the Thursday, January 21 press conference with statewide media, Minnesota Department of Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm stated with a high level of disappointment and even dejection that "there doesn't appear to have been a Christmas surge." Let that sink in for a moment. For nine-plus months, every time Malcolm is forced by reality to report good news, she sounds disappointed. This has happened over and over again, without exception. To me, it is as if a plan they have in place did not play out like they had hoped. I'll repeat myself:...
Vitamin D can influence all three innate immune effectors in the lungs and thus play an important role in how the lung recognizes and responds to pathogens. Activation of the innate immune system drives activation of the long term adaptive immune system. The National Institute of Health has warned that low Vitamin D levels leads to frequent colds and also higher risk from the Influenza virus. Other organizations have released numerous studies on how Vitamin D levels correlate with how a person...
It has not gone without struggle, but the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper is poised to survive the 2020 pandemic. This newspaper finished the year "very strong" with a few expansive newspapers plus almost all color issues from the September 17 issue through the December 31 issue. In fact, just one issue during that span did not have color ink included. We mostly kept it to a 10-page issue after September 17, which was an improvement from the spring and summer when we published a handful of very "lean" eight-page issues. We dipped down to eight...
In the video below, this doctor provides very succinct and valuable points on multiple tools that can be used to fight COVID-19. He repeats a message that has been said over and over with the exception of our major news media outlets and our state health officials in Minnesota: early and aggressive treatment of COVID-19 is crucial in improving the odds of survival when infected. A few things discussed in the video include: over-the-counter medications like vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc,...
Here's an unpopular idea to chew on: we should use science and data-backed treatment to fight COVID-19 instead of fear-induced, knee-jerk reactions to the coronavirus-induced pandemic that has altered the life of every man, woman and child on the planet. The 27-minute long video below states: the data is 100 percent in agreement: all studies show a clinical benefit for use of Ivermectin. It works as a pre-exposure prophylaxis, post exposure prophylaxis, and when given to both early and late hospitalized patients. Oddly, Ivermectin is an...
Dr. John Campbell is a retired nurse teacher and A and E nurse in England. In recent years, he provides explanation to scientific studies in the health care world. In the embedded video, Dr. Campbell explains the science behind a clinical study of vitamin D related to COVID-19. He points out observations that vitamin D-deficient individuals have increased COVID-19 risk and mortality. This study was published on November 12, 2020 in the Postgraduate Medical Journal, a peer-reviewed journal...
Written on Wednesday night, November 18 Based on what's happened in Minnesota over the past two weeks, it is prudent that we all ask this basic question: is Minnesota Governor Tim Walz okay? What has happened to him? Did he suffer some type of mental break down that has made him part ways with living in reality? Citizens of Minnesota need to ask this question in a serious manner, because Mr. Walz does not appear to be okay. There is something quite off about his actions and his words. On what planet does a governor and his so-called...
An open letter to area parents mid-November 2020 On March 13th Governor Walz said his decision to not close schools was based on science. On March 15th he issued the first of his orders effectively closing schools. He did not receive any "new science" in 48 hours. It was a political decision-he had to be seen doing something in response to the "pandemic". We always quarantined sick and infected people before 2020. The decision to in effect quarantine healthy people, kids and then workers classified as "unessential" by the government, was a...
Zinc! What else is there to say? This year we may all learn more about zinc and Vitamin D than we've known in our entire lives. It's fascinating to learn that the human body lacks the ability to store zinc. We need zinc to help the body create new cells and process food. It also helps us to resist infection. From WebMd: Zinc is a mineral. It is called an "essential trace element" because very small amounts of zinc are necessary for human health. Since the human body does not store excess zinc,...
Every week, more and more reports are revealed that show the importance of Vitamin D levels for determining what type of outcome a person has against a possible COVID-19 virus infection. Learn more about this in the video below; it lasts just over 19 minutes. The question must be asked: why are governments around the world not shouting this information from the roof tops? It's very clear that widespread knowledge about the importance of Vitamin D and D3 is a "nightmare scenario" for the...
Today, Monday, November 16, the results of an alarming observational study were released that link the use of antibiotics in children under age two with an increased risk of developing a wide range of health conditions later in their childhood. The Rochester Epidemiology Project (R.E.P.) released a retrospective case study that reviewed 14,500 records in which 70 percent had received antibiotics medication in their first and second years of life. The R.E.P. published their observations in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings. It followed...
With our October 15 issue, the Bonanza Valley Voice newspaper had the highest-ever number of subscribers in the 51-year history of the newspaper. The newspaper list mailed out included 1,555 subscribers. Circulation this fall has shot past 1,620 on a rolling, weekly average. Like all small businesses who are enduring the crushing weight of Governor Tim Walz's nanny-state government, we are fighting to get into 2021 and still be viable and independent....
Land Stewardship Project member Chad Crowley farms with his wife, Melissa, near Nodine in southeastern Minnesota. They are in the process of taking over the operation of longtime dairy farmers Art and Jean Thicke. During an LSP farm crisis forum last winter in Preston, MN, Crowley spoke about the impact the loss of independent family farms is having on his community: "I used to be a volunteer firefighter with the Nodine Fire Department, and I've seen a lot of stuff in the small communities. One of the things I've seen is how there aren't volunt...
As the new school year gets underway across the nation, we are seeing a renewed focus on agriculture education and local food. Next to many schools, greenhouses are a common sight. With these come educational curriculum on planting, growing, and harvesting, along with nutrition and health. Greenhouses are not new to rural agriculture education, however, they may not include food production. For instance, schools often devote greenhouse space to flower production for school fundraisers and, while this offers financial incentives, an opportunity...
Ramsey County District Court Judge Thomas Gilligan, a Dayton-Appointee on Tuesday, September 1, ruled that Governor Tim Walz may continue to usurp the legislative process in perpetuity. Free Minnesota, a coalition of citizens and small businesses filed a petition for Quo Warranto lawsuit in May, alleging that the governor was beyond the executive authority granted him by the state constitution and has been exercising purely legislative power by issuing his numerous decrees in response to the Covid-19 virus. The lawsuit was joined by the New...