Sorted by date Results 301 - 325 of 382
Each day in America, we climb closer to the top of Mount Stupid. The only question is: where is the peak of this mountain we're currently on? Because they've fired unvaccinated health care workers, many of whom have beaten COVID-19 and have natural immunity, the state of Rhode Island has decided it's better to allow health care workers with an active COVID-19 case to care for patients. They have gotten that much higher on Mount Stupid that this is where they're at. On January 1, 2022, the...
Below is a video outlining what everyone can do to optimize their immune system for infectious diseases that circulate around the globe. These are points you can take into consideration on a daily basis. It's quite simple: life is so much better when you have proper metabolic health. Proper metabolic health involves ideal levels of blood sugar, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference, without using medications. These factors directly...
In the video below, Dr. John Campbell of the United Kingdom explains information regarding the spread of the omicron "strain" of COVID-19 in recent weeks. What is fascinating to me: omicron is out-competing both the common cold viruses as well as the "delta" strain of COVID-19. This appears to be a positive curveball that doomsday predictions never saw coming....
The MDPI out of Switzerland recently conducted a large meta-analysis of Vitamin D3 studies in its relationship to COVID-19 and then published a paper on it. Founded in 1996, the MDPI is a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals. You can find the entire study at the following link: In this 10 minute, 37 seconds long video, Dr. John Campbell from North England explains information presented in the MDPI paper regarding proper Vitamin D3 intake. He explains that the proper intake for adults should...
It's disturbing to see the level of truths, facts and accurate information that is withheld from the public debate around COVID-19. Fortunately, the information is out there if you really want to know what's happening. This also slides over to the debate around vaccination. Did you know? If you have a large amount of excess body fat, it minimizes the ability of the COVID-19 jab to do its job properly? Science spells that all out. In laymen's terms, if you have a large amount of excess body fat,...
Without the work of the White Coat Waste Project, we may have never learned about the grotesque, vile horror taking place under the watch of the National Institute of Health and their wretched leader, Tony Fauci. The White Coat Waste Project receives all of its funding from small donors. They have long utilized a "Bernie Sanders-esque" fundraising model. This gives them a large, grassroots base of support. In spite of the best efforts of the major media and all of his followers to protect him,...
Did you know that COVID-19 has thousands of variations by now? Thousands. The global elite who control the world and want to control your life have decided to use the Greek letter "Omicron" and attach it to a COVID-19 variant to scare you into submission to how they want you to live your life. From the video: viral variations are natural, and they occur in probabilistic fashion all over the world in a rough period of time. This has nothing to do with spread between countries. It is a natural...
We have to be the dumbest nation on earth, giving out free donuts to coax a person into getting vaccinated against COVID-19. And that same donut creates a biological response that lessens the impact and efficacy of that vaccination (according to science, but why bother with science?) The stupidity does extend to Minnesota, where reporters caught comments by folks complaining that some college campuses do not have posters that promote vaccination. This was reported in the Star Tribune on...
I'm writing this on Sunday morning, November 21, after coming home from worship service at West Lake Johanna Lutheran church in Gilchrist Township, Pope County. It's worth noting that I worshiped there without having to prove my C-19 vaccination status. Today I'll attend a church dinner and later the school musical - also without having to prove my C-19 vaccination status. In fact, every interaction I've made this weekend and will make in the coming week will take place without having to prove my C-19 vaccination status. My opinion: I think...
What a world we live in. We have so-called "experts" saying that they "believe" there won't be adverse reactions for COVID vaccinations to children ages 5 to 11 at any worse of a level than what they see in teenagers. Yet they have no science or data to back that up. Where are the trials showing long-term results? Long-term effects? Where's the data from 1 year out? Where's the data from 2 years out? The number of child participants in the vaccine trials only numbered about 3,000 with...
If there's one special skill set that White House Press Secretary Jenn Psaki has mastered, it is a tone deaf cackle as she shows in crystal-clear fashion how tone deaf she is. On a bigger note, it's one example of many that illustrate how our rulers hate the common person trying to make a living in America. More in the video below. From the Dictionary: Cackle (noun) "make a harsh, raucous sound when laughing."...
What a novel concept it is to have an independent thought and thinking for yourself! In this video, Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying pick apart a column recently published by the Washington Post newspaper. The WaPo column attacked members of the wellness community....
I have learned from two separate sources that multiple hospital beds and hospital rooms are going unused and unoccupied by patients at both Carris Health hospital in Willmar and at CentraCare hospital in St. Cloud. To me, this is absolutely crazy during what major media is describing as a "raging, ongoing" pandemic. What is CentraCare doing wrong? Why can't they hold onto staff? We all need to ask the question: why are they short of hospital staff? The public deserves honest answers. Try this on for size: this comment was posted online, and I...
Here's an eight-minute long video that discusses a number of COVID-19 topics, including the idea of COVID booster shots for vulnerable populations. This doctor encourages those who are in vulnerable groups to visit with their doctors about seeking out a COVID booster shot once they are approved in the U.S. He also provides his opinion that it is an idea worth considering....
Buckle up, everyone!...
Houston, we have a problem!...
The message of this web opinion article: put down your phone and get off the couch! If you do want to spend time sitting down, spend it by watching this video that raises the notion that a wider waist can lead to a less effective COVID-19 vaccination effort. The video lasts just shy of 20 minutes. Why not study whether or not a wider waistline leads to more COVID-19 vaccine "breakthrough" cases? Maybe it does not, but why not look into it? It would be quite a concept if we all came to the...
This is a video clip from a round table on COVID-19 adverse reactions. In this specific case, it was regarding the aftermath of a 12-year old girl participating in the vaccine trials. The round table took place in Wisconsin on June 28, 2021, and was hosted by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson. Regardless of a person's view on COVID-19 vaccination, the concept of informed consent should reign supreme. To view data regarding adverse reactions as reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in vaccination trials, click on the following short...
Some time around July 1 of this year, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) deleted part of the information for their "guidance" on COVID-19 vaccinations for children relating to the cases of myocarditis or pericarditis following the first vaccination jab. This information was available via a PDF that outlined information provided at a June 23 meeting of CDC officials. The CDC recommends that if a child gets myocarditis or pericarditis after the first jab, they...
Opinion: the medical community must have a serious conversation here about what being asymptomatic really means, and whether it's truly asymptomatic "infection" (versus a "case"). How do we continue to deal with this in the future? Remember: if you are asymptomatic, that means your immune system is getting the job done! And this pans out in the same fashion for the transmissibility of the pathogen. This video from Dr. Suneel Dhand explains more....
Just some more food for thought! (VIDEO below lasting about three minutes)...
Here's a 14-minute long video with Peggy Hall providing information and opinions about what you can do when government goons come knocking on your door. REMEMBER: the government does not give you rights. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE SECURE IN YOUR HOME! I will have much, much more to say about this on my radio show this week. The Voice on KMGK will be broadcast LIVE from downtown Brooten in front of the newspaper office. The radio show starts at 9:20 a.m., and you can tune in on 107.1 FM of...
So, what gives with the reluctance to highlight the multiple tools in our arsenal to fight against respiratory diseases? Is there a financial incentive for Big Pharma to push everyone into the COVID-19 vaccine, and thus make the control group in this grand vaccination experiment as small as possible? What gives? In the embedded video below, a review of data from a United Kingdom study is given regarding the benefits of Ivermectin in the fight against COVID-19. Back in Minnesota, the dishonest ch...
Every day that passes by shows us what an astonishing liar Anthony Fauci has been over the better part of the last 16 months. The latest lie he was caught is is astonishing. It pins my ears back. He needs to find the rock he came out from and crawl back under it. At a U.S. Senate hearing in May, Fauci claimed that United States taxpayers gave the infamous Wuhan research lab in China $600,000. The real number, in fact, was at least $826,000, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request....
Ignoring lab leak and ivermectin is "crime of the century" according to Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying. (From their Livestream #80.) A six-minute video clip is embedded below....