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  • Hitler parody (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Jun 9, 2022

    As an extension to the material in my newspaper column this week (June 9 issue), here's a one-minute video clip featuring a parody based on an Adolph Hitler movie Downfall. God Bless the First Amendment and our ability to make satire out of our leaders! Both at home and abroad. Remember: as I said in my column, our leaders are sick. We can look around the U.S. and the globe and see numerous leaders who are simply deranged. We can look to the north to Canada to see the demented man called Justin...

  • Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm: taking smug and arrogant to a new level (VIDEOS)

    Randy Olson|Jun 9, 2022

    Jennifer Granholm is another high-ranking government official in our world who is one sick puppy. Utterly vile! She takes smug and arrogant to a whole new level. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: we are ruled by completely incompetent people who are so self-absorbed that they have NO CLUE whatsoever what pain we are suffering out in the lower and middle class of America. See the two videos below....

  • Will we get an answer? (OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Jun 2, 2022

    It remains to be seen if federal officials will explain how they ignored warnings dating back to last fall about what was an impending shortage of baby formula in the United States. Some media ask the question, but there's not much explanation coming from Washington D.C. At the end of the day, we know that bureaucracy ultimately slows down what could be speedy progress to the problems we face in America. An example of a non-answer from a fed is shown in the video below....

  • Clown Planet video

    Randy Olson|Jun 2, 2022

    Every day humanity appears to get dumber and dumber on Planet Earth. A few examples of this are featured in the video below....

  • This has got to stop

    Randy Olson|May 26, 2022

    Bonanza Valley Voice publisher's column, May 26, 2022. I so vividly remember a conversation I had one afternoon in the spring of 1995, when the late Terry Frazee called me in to his principal office in the newly-remodeled B-B-E high school in Belgrade, told me to sit down, sunk his shoulders and looked me in the eye before saying, "Randy, I'm gonna keep this short, I'm sure you want to get back to Mr. Gesellchen's chemistry." Frazee looked me straight in the eye and said, "I know you meant well, but please, don't bully the bully." I sat for a...

  • When you can't even trust the fish or chickens...(VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|May 12, 2022

    Meanwhile, in a country with some of the craziest humans to have ever lived on earth, known more commonly as China...they have to swab the rear ends of fish (as well as their mouths) just to see if they're "safe" from the black plague, or what we also know as COVID-19. Meanwhile, life has long since returned to normal in our rural communities of west central Minnesota....

  • And then there's this lady...(VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|May 12, 2022

    Don't criticize the woman in this video. She CLEARLY knows a great deal about SCIENCE. "Trust the science!" they say. Oh, boy. God help us. I think society is in trouble....

  • New Zealand is ran by some of the dumbest people on earth

    Randy Olson|May 5, 2022

    "Feel free to keep your mask on" she says - it just makes her feel better in front of the cameras. This video features New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, one of the most vile creatures on earth. She is especially bad news. To get a glimpse at how badly New Zealand is handling the coronavirus issue, click here: https://bit.ly/3kJcBHG. New Zealand is learning the hard way that jabbing everyone is not a winning strategy to beat back the virus. On April 21, the country reported close to...

  • When you have ZERO self-awareness (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|May 5, 2022

    Sometimes you just can't write fiction that matches reality in our world. We have some sick, sick leaders in Washington, D.C. Do these people even listen to themselves after they've spoken? Crazy....

  • Meanwhile, in China...(OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Apr 21, 2022

    In China, they do things that make it very difficult not to mock their country. In this video below, it gives an example of the lunacy of what they do in response to the most recent version of COVID-19 that we know in central Minnesota as "Omicron."...

  • Sick, disgusting trends in public education, entertainment (OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Mar 31, 2022

    What is going on with the obsession of a certain thread of political activism currently spilling into public education that normalizes adult staff in schools to openly discuss sexual topics with very young children? As young as preschool-age students. I want to know: (1.) How did this happen? (2.) Who can possibly think this is okay? The anti-grooming legislation in Florida that aims to prevent school staff from grooming young children on sexual topics has been under fire from all sides lately. This is against the backdrop of some teachers open...

  • Dirty, rotten liars (OPINION VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 10, 2022

    Jen Psaki and her propaganda machine in the White House, all the way up to the president himself, are a large collection of dirty, rotten liars. They have no shame. They are pathetic, desperate fools who think the public will buy anything they sell. Biden recently said that "Putin will pay" for what he's doing...but the reality is that Biden does not have the guts to make Putin pay. Instead, Biden is making ALL OF AMERICA PAY. And we are paying dearly. The looks on the reporters' faces in the...

  • Guard your lean tissue like it's gold (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Feb 24, 2022

    As Dr. Shawn Baker says in the video, "So you should be putting it on and guarding your lean tissue like it's gold, because it really is." "You don't have to be in the gym doing many dead lifts to get strong. There's many ways to do that," he adds. "You could pick up things and go for a walk, you could put a backpack on and go for a walk. Now I think as you get more proficient at stuff, you should continue to challenge yourself. Because the whole point is to progress and continue to progress."...

  • Ottawa cafe owners, patrons stand up to lawless police (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Feb 17, 2022

    Check out this absolutely amazing 16-minute long video from downtown Ottawa. This was live-streamed on YouTube as it happened on Sunday, February 20, 2022. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, you would never believe it happened in a "free" country....

  • Rats in a cage (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Feb 10, 2022

    In this 30-minute long video, Dr. Chris Martensen discusses the idea that humans are being conditioned by our government to accept abuses from our overlords no differently than rats in a cage who have experiments done on them by scientists. What a mad, mad world we are living in and experiencing today. From Dr. Martensen's video synopsis: "We are all rats in a cage who are being shocked. A very well-studied form of psychological warfare is being waged against us, and it's designed to encourage...

  • Maybe we should wear masks everywhere if the I.R.S. gets its way

    Randy Olson|Feb 3, 2022

    Great food for thought when considering the implications of what the I.R.S. wants to do with Big Brother-style technology. Learn more in the two minute-long video below....

  • Some governments consistently push anti-science recommendations, mandates (OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Feb 3, 2022

    Governments such as those found in the United States and Canada continue pushing anti-science COVID-19 narratives. This is especially true in the area of child jabbing. The five-minute video below includes additional commentary on the issue. At what point do we have to consider how to protect children from government?...

  • This is not a woman

    Randy Olson|Jan 27, 2022

    A 26-year old man who assaulted a 10-year old girl when he was 17 years old is getting his hand slapped on the wrist as a punishment by the corrupt, lunatic justice system in Los Angeles County, California. In 2014, the man assaulted the girl in a Denny's restaurant bathroom in Palmdale, CA, according to court documents. The lunatic left allows this man to "identify as a woman" while getting an astonishingly light sentence for his (her?) crimes. Where's the outrage over this? On what planet can...

  • United States C.D.C. uses another terribly flawed COVID-19 study (OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Jan 20, 2022

    Another week, another bad study used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in regards to its COVID-19 response. In this case, it is related to children, which means it's even more despicable that the CDC would use flawed information in its messaging to the public. Shame on them. In the study they cited, the inclusion of Body Mass Index (BMI) figures were not included with a study that the CDC says linked COVID-19 and higher prevalence of diabetes in children. There were countless...

  • Letter to the Editor: kind companies would rehire unvaccinated workers

    Randy Olson|Jan 20, 2022

    The CDC website (Dec. 20, 2021) states: "CDC expects that anyone with the omicron infection can spread the virus to others, even if they are vaccinated or don't have symptoms." Happily, news outlets all over the world, while noting its rapid transmission, are reporting that omicron is much milder than its predecessors, resulting in significantly reduced serious illness, hospitalization and death. "Signs that it [omicron] may cause milder symptoms than previous strains have offered some relief." (Reuters, Jan. 7, 2022). And so as new...

  • Test, Jab, Boost, Repeat (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Jan 13, 2022

    Test, Jab, Boost, Repeat by Jane M. Orient, M.D. and Executive Director of Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. Online at https://aapsonline.org. Joe Biden introduced his "new" plan to save us from the dread coronavirus. He will provide 500 million "free" tests (paid for by taxpayers or with borrowed money); 1,000 National Guard troops to overstressed hospitals; and more pressure to get vaccinated and boosted. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, we would need 2.3 billion...

  • The narrative will collapse (OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Jan 13, 2022

    George Orwell himself would not believe the world we live in today. Have you ever wondered why there's no standard and well-organized way for a vaccine-injured person to receive assistance with therapy or recovery? Anyone? Hello? If the number of vaccine-injured people are so few and far between, so insignificant in number that no one should be concerned with population-wide jabbing, then we should certainly be able to help them, right? Again, and follow me here = they are such a small minority out of all the people jabbed, then there should...

  • Shaming the vaccine-injured (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Jan 6, 2022

    A troubling trend emerged in 2021 involving what can be called "vaccine injury shaming" when those who are injured by vaccines speak out about what they went through or are currently going through. The 16-minute long video below explains more. Shaming vaccine injured people does not encourage those who are un-jabbed to change their mind....

  • Good health is finally being discussed...in El Salvador (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Jan 6, 2022

    It's fascinating to see the campaign for better health that was recently launched in El Salvador of South America. It's downright stunning when compared to the messaging that we get from health "authorities" in the United States. El Salvador president Nayib Bukele wants the issues of obesity and diabetes to be discussed front and center in his country. These two issues are the leading cause of increased vulnerability to severe disease and hospitalizations. The 11-minute long video here explains...

  • Sometimes humanity is just plain disgusting (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Dec 30, 2021

    Below is a video of New York police ordering a young Hispanic family to leave a restaurant due to vaccination status. These officers work under the title of "Strategic Response Group" with the NYPD. It's heartbreaking to watch this happen to the mom and her young son, who appears to be about 5 years old. Disgusting to see this play out....

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