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  • What is wrong with leaders in some of our schools?

    Randy Olson|May 4, 2023

    I recently read an article about someone predicting that all the COVID "precautions" unleashed in March/April 2020 would put humanity into a "death spiral" and every day it appears that is more and more true. What they wrote was a warning, and every prediction they gave has come true. I saw an article about a family who is suing their deceased child's public school for ignoring cyberbullying concerns, and it just backs up this idea of humanity being in a "death spiral" that was only sped up by the COVID precautions unleashed by governments and...

  • And it goes from bad to worse for Bud Light (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|May 4, 2023

    The outlook gets worse and worse for the Bud Light as time passes from the self-inflicted wound they created by partnering with Dylan Mulvaney. The video below shows a collection of news headlines outlining how things indeed are going from bad to worse for the embattled beer brand. The beauty of America is competition. There are countless other options for beer drinkers. I doubt Bud Light will be missed....

  • Representative Anderson: House bill shorts long-term care

    Randy Olson|Apr 27, 2023

    House Democrats approved a bill on Tuesday, April 25 which Representative Paul Anderson of Starbuck said does not address the long-term care crisis in our state and severely underfunds this portion of the state budget. Anderson said he has concerns over the House Human Services Finance omnibus package (S.F. 2934) for its lack of funding for nursing homes, which came to the floor accounting for just .01 percent of the Democrats' $72 billion budget proposal that consumes the state's $19 billion...

  • 'Back the Blue' is more than a slogan (OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Apr 20, 2023

    Bonanza Valley Voice publisher's column The phrase "Back the Blue" is more than just a slogan. It's more than something one can just latch into when it's convenient. "Back the Blue" is part of my family's life, day after day after day for numerous reasons. Small town police departments and rural sheriff's offices are not flush with staff to begin with, and when officers are pulled out of rotation either because they were killed, or they were involved in a shooting, it puts tremendous strain on...

  • BBC Broadcaster's widow sues government and vaccine manufacturer

    Randy Olson|Apr 13, 2023

    Gareth Eve, who lost his wife, Lisa Shaw, as a result of thrombotic thrombocytopenia after she was given the AstraZeneca shot is suing the pharmaceutical company along with 75 other people. Shaw was a TV Presenter (Host) on the BBC (British Broadcasting Company). In August of 2021, a coroner ruled the 44-year-old Shaw had died from thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Thrombotic thrombocytopenia is a rare life-threatening blood disorder when blood clots form in small vessels throughout the body. It can...

  • They think we're going to forgive and move on... (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Apr 13, 2023

    Tyrants across the globe who shoved mandates on the lives of every citizen of most first-world countries now want us to forget what they did to us. For example, in Germany, when their hotline for vaccine injuries became overloaded on the first day it was in use (April 4, 2023), they suddenly declared the COVID-19 emergency was over. (Shown in the video below) As if we are going to forgive them and move on? Hardly!...

  • A super short study in the banality of evil

    Randy Olson|Apr 13, 2023

    WARNING: the video embedded here contains disturbing footage of young children being tortured in public spaces. Watch at your own risk. So the video is just 2 minutes and 20 seconds long, but it illustrates the banality of evil of men like Joe Biden, Bill Gates and Tony Fauci. Ivor Cummins, whose YouTube channel published this video, said it best, "NEVER FORGET what these 'banality of evil' men did to our children, and to our citizens - just watch for a minute or so and you will see. Share so...

  • Bud Light parody video

    Randy Olson|Apr 13, 2023

    Oh, how I do love satire and comedy and the ability of technical gurus who are far more talented than I am to create parody videos such as the one embedded below....

  • COVID jab cripples Germany teenager

    Randy Olson|Apr 6, 2023

    This story is appalling. Two-and-a-half years ago, Selin Islami was a top gymnast in Germany. Her life was turned upside down when she received the second jab of the BioNTech treatment. After the girl's second COVID jab, she lost the ability to walk, the ability to swallow properly and the ability to open her eyes properly. She had ongoing double vision and difficulty breathing, and she spent the next year in the hospital fighting for her life. During this time, Selin suffered severe vascular...

  • That is one sleazy guy (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Apr 6, 2023

    This guy just won't stop talking! Enough, already. Retire and promise that we'll never hear from you again!...

  • Switzerland recommends that most people avoid COVID jabs

    Randy Olson|Apr 6, 2023

    Switzerland has officially stopped recommending the jabs for almost all of its citizens. From Switzerland health authorities: "The COVID vaccine recommendations have been withdrawn and doctors will be held liable for giving the shots." Background: "Corona immunity seroprevalence data (June/July 2022) shows that more than 98% of the Swiss population have antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Due to the immunity situation, the currently predominant virus variants and the expected low virus circulation in spring/summer 2023, it can be assumed that...

  • The Joe Biden regime lies with impunity (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 30, 2023

    While investigating the aftermath of the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment and chemical spill, officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fell ill while they were in the community. Let that sink in for a moment. REMEMBER: on February 14 this year, it was reported that the train that derailed in Ohio was carrying more toxic chemicals than was initially reported. (SHOCKER!)...

  • Farmers for the huge win! (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 23, 2023

    Farmers in the Netherlands are pushing back in a big way against an oppressive regime that is hellbent on taking out the small, family farm. The insanity pushed by their government wants to reduce the cattle count by over 30 percent. Jimmy Dore breaks it all down with various news sources in the video below....

  • The children are not okay: widespread damage caused by COVID mandates (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 23, 2023

    The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has recently released data showing how detrimental COVID mandates were for children across the United States. These mandates were pushed heavily primarily by wealthy, elite urban citizens who went too far in promoting fear among the public. Those same citizens pushing the COVID mandates could afford to have food delivered to their places of residence, spend ample money on home entertainment options or hire private tutors for their...

  • Portland, another cesspool in America (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 16, 2023

    Just when you thought things could not get crazier in the U.S., stories like this one pop up. Once you get through the entire video, you'll learn that what was being described (a town home in Portland becoming a literal cesspool) has been going on for years! This one just pins your ears back. It's crazy town....

  • New Yorkers get what they ordered up at the ballot box (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 16, 2023

    It never fails...when voters get what they vote for. New York City is another cesspool in America, as outlined in the video below....

  • The 'Social Credit' score: coming to a dystopian nightmare near you

    Randy Olson|Mar 9, 2023

    This is already happening quite broadly in China. (See video below) You've all been warned....

  • The government is going to drop the hammer on Tony Fauci (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 2, 2023

    After spending over three years lying and misleading the public on the COVID-19 virus, Anthony Fauci is in a world of trouble as members of Congress are about to drop the metaphorical hammer on the guy. This could not happen to a better person. He has worked very hard to deserve what is coming his way. The basic premise of what went down is that Fauci and his partner-in-crime, Francis Collins, conspired to prevent the "COVID began in a laboratory" theory from going public early in 2020 as the...

  • It's Time To Leave Earth (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Mar 2, 2023

    Here's another installment of "It's Time To Leave Earth" on YouTube, a collection of news headlines and news clippings that illustrate how the mainstream media, government and the modern-day narrative is making the world stupider and stupider by the day....

  • How public health lied about natural immunity (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Feb 23, 2023

    In a 50-minute long roundtable discussion held via Zoom, a discussion was held regarding how United States public health officials, from the federal government all the way down to local health authorities, lied about the robust protection afforded by natural immunity against the COVID-19 virus....

  • 'The View' is a collection of some of the worst of humanity

    Randy Olson|Feb 23, 2023

    The clacking hens on The View never fail at showing the world how void of logic, reason and sanity they are. They just clack and clack and clack away without making any sense or using any sort of credible information to back up what they yammer on about. This video features a breakdown of recent comments they made about the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment calamity....

  • Don't mess with the farmers! (VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Feb 23, 2023

    I honestly haven't been able to find out just where this took place, but here's a video of a farmer spraying manure right up against an encampment of protesters who were trespassing on his farmland. They got a GOOD up-close taste of country life!...

  • Three years too late...(VIDEO)

    Randy Olson|Feb 23, 2023

    Admissions by government officials that what were called "conspiracy theories" in 2020 and 2021 are now coming true is a real tragedy....

  • "Trust the Government" (Hard Pass)

    Randy Olson|Feb 16, 2023

    Yeah that's going to be a hard "pass" from the public...Trust is earned! And the government is not earning it....

  • We're all in danger under this regime (OPINION)

    Randy Olson|Feb 16, 2023

    Every day it becomes more and more obvious that we're all in danger while living under the current regime in the United States. The recent Class II chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio, says it all about how incompetent this federal government is. A chemical spill from a high hazard flammable train derailment that caused a 100-foot tall fireball to erupt from the ground, and the major media across the U.S. appears to be providing cover for the Joe Biden regime and his underlings. You could...

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