Sorted by date Results 176 - 200 of 382
They're messing with our children. It's time they face consequences for it. Click on the following link to listen to Nick Freitas explain more:
I don't know if I've seen anything this disgusting across the past three-plus years as learning how the net worth of Tony Fauci increased dramatically during the pandemic and the years that have followed....
The New York University-Grossman Long Island School of Medicine conducted a study in its Department of Pediatrics that shows how bio distribution of mRNA particles from COVID-19 jabs have been found in human breast milk. The findings demonstrate that the COVID-19 jab mRNA is not confined to the injection site, but spreads systemically and is packaged into breast milk extracellular vesicles (EVs). Why this is important is because this completely contradicts what government and Big Pharma and...
There's not much that should be added for commentary to the attached video the north in Canada, government officials are losing their brains again! (IF they had a brain to begin with.) They are asking the public to "get their masks ready" for winter. Absolutely bizarre world!!!...
Just when you thought government officials couldn't get dumber. We have yet another Joe Biden official in the federal government pushing the craziest, dumbest ideas. In one of her recent announcements to the public, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Directory Mandy Cohen (who is supposedly a "doctor") stated that any American not up to date on their COVID-19 jab/booster-whatever-they-want-to-call-it AND also anyone who is totally un-jabbed should get a booster jab right now. This is in...
If you have watched any level of mainstream media "news" (propaganda) coverage, you know that the COVID circus and clown show is back. It is picking up steam. In this video, Bjorn Andreas Bull Hansen speaks about the oncoming mandates and government surveillance state that will rear its ugly head. In the attached video, Hansen breaks down his 15-minute long speech by describing the tools that governments have in place to coerce the public to comply. He finishes by talking about the virtue and...
Where's the clown adjectives when I need them? Tony Fauci is at it again giving media interviews and fawning over bringing back COVID mandates such as he is arguing with a CNN anchor about the effectiveness of masks. Once again: we will not comply here in the Land of Rocks and Cows. No!...
From columnists chastising parents who want to have their own biological children (this is now deemed "immoral") to Kamala Harris thinking she is ready to be President of the United States, it's time for another installment of It's Time To Leave Earth from John Talks on YouTube. On a Twitter thread, I saw that the domestic terrorist organization called PETA posted on September 8 that cows' milk is a symbol used by white supremacists. They continue their call to stop dairy farming and stop the...
In case there's any confusion from state and federal government officials: we will not comply! We will not comply on the local level to jab or mask mandates or any other coercive heavy-handedness from the government with the fear-mongering that's on the rise from the latest variant(s) of COVID-19. I see that Tony Fauci has opened his mouth about masks. He has no idea how much anger we have across middle America at what they did to us and how badly they lied across 2020 and 2021 and beyond....
THIS is hands down one of the greatest songs that's been penned in the history of music in America. Oliver Anthony completely knocked it out of the park with this working man/woman anthem "Rich Men North of Richmond"! Oliver Anthony is a former factory worker from Farmville, Virginia, who now operates a livestock farm with his three dogs. His song sums up the feelings of Americans across all corners and all walks of life who are stick of a bloated, inept and incompetent federal government whose...
In Santa Clara County, California, their public health director is Dr. Sarah Cody. She has famously stated repeatedly that she and her co-workers are still wearing masks to work and in crowded settings. The chances you'd be exposed to COVID are very high right now, according to her. Dr. Cody has stated she religiously masks and was shocked when she herself came down with COVID. It's as if these people's brains are hijacked, and they are unable and unwilling to use critical thinking skills and think independently. It's shocking and frightening t...
When Democrats are in charge, life can become a three-ring circus, just as it has in recent years in New York City. As of this past week, that city's migrant shelters are officially full, and migrants are now forced to live and sleep on the street. New York City is becoming a fallen city under the rule of Democrats. In areas where Democrats are in charge, such as NYC, society is coming apart at the seams. With undocumented immigrants pouring across the southern border, this will only get worse....
Food for thought: the fewer things politicians have control over, the less it matters who is pulling their strings. Let that sink in!...
In this 21-minute long video, Dr. David E. Martin speaks to the idea that COVID-19 was an act of war against the human race. Throughout the past three years, Dr. Martin has worked to expose what he sees is an elaborate web of deception and lies by governments, corporations and regulators that was a preamble to the Covid-19 pandemic while illustrating in detail how “following the money” uncovers a distinct conflict of interests between the very people that are managing this cri...
U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) released the following statement on Independence Day. "All across our state, Minnesotans are coming together with friends and family for parades, barbecues, and fireworks in honor of the Fourth of July and the birth of our nation. Today, we celebrate the start of the great American experiment in democracy that began in 1776 when our founding fathers adopted the principles in the Declaration of Independence. Those principles became the foundation of our democracy and a roadmap of our nation's purpose....
A community organizer who once helped lead the Planned Parenthood organization's lobbying arm testified at a recent Congressional hearing and attempted to blatantly lie about the differences between male and female athletes...and it went badly for Miss Kelly Robinson. As the saying goes, "You can't fix stupid!" See what I'm talking about in the video below....
While it is unfortunate that more heads of federal agencies are not losing their jobs, it is somewhat encouraging to at least see them put on public display as their lies are called out. One such exchange is featured in the video below. This video features U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and the unending garbage that spews from his mouth on a regular basis....
They just don't hear the loud and clear message from the public!...
There's quite a bit to unpack from this 2 minute, 33 seconds long video, but the most telling part is at around the 1:25 mark when Joe Biden brags about how he can run up a ramp. This is strange coming from a man who is struggling with his old age. A sad, pathetic man he is. Worse is the collection of ghouls who work in the mainstream media industry in America who bend over backwards to run cover for Biden. They are some of the worst humans on the planet....
Who else out there is not surprised at the sudden and drastic fall of the Black Lives Matter movement and the BLM organization? As outlined in the video below, it was not much more than one giant, obvious scam from start to finish. The biggest question to ask now is: will the grifters who managed the BLM organization be held accountable for their financial misdeeds?...
The message is getting loud and clear that corporations and the government should not mess with Middle America and God-fearing people in general. Target Corporation is the latest company to learn the hard way (losing over $9 billion in market share) that they need to think twice before they partner with shady organizations like GLSEN, which betrays the sacred bond of parenting in America. GLSEN recommends, among other things, that "gender ideology" be integrated into all public school classes,...
The embodiment of total tyranny known as Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum (WEF) believes that humans need to accept the total erasure of privacy, and they need to engrain it into their personality. While lower and middle class humans are living without any semblance of privacy, the overlords we live under will continue to hide their activities, wealth and personal contacts...because it's just better that way. Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the WEF, also created the Forum of...
A massive invasion of illegal immigrants is underway at the United States' southern border as the criminally incompetent Biden administration has completely failed the citizens of America. In New York City, moron-in-chief Mayor Eric Adams has suspended the "Right To Shelter" rule for at least 5 days as the city is under siege from a massive, wide-open influx of illegal immigrants. The city's Right to Shelter policy had been in place since the 1970s. Americans have every right to stick their...
After getting through the horror that is outlined across numerous slides and news reels in this video below, the final piece shows that there is still good in this world. On another note that touches on what is emphasized early in this video, it's a safe bet right now that Fox News has set up its own demise. Good riddance!...
Jimmy Dore is first a comedian and second a humanitarian. In this video recorded at one of his comedy tour stops, Dore provides a string of light-hearted, down-to-earth, hilarious lines that break down a very serious topic and bring you to laugh while you should really be shedding a tear or two at how insane the world got between 2020 and 2022....