Sorted by date Results 126 - 150 of 382
This absolutely stunning attached video outlines how New York City has become a total cesspool of crime under the pathetic leadership of Mayor Eric Adams and District Attorney Alvin Bragg. The crimes that are taking place are shocking to any decent, civilized person. It is insane what is happening. Across America, too many citizens have their heads in the sand as out-of-control crime is ignored or excused. Soft on crime Democrats are destroying this nation. Does anyone have the courage to stop...
Legal analysts across the United States, especially those on left-leaning cable news outlets like CNN and MSNBC, are announcing in a near full-throat roar this week that the hush money case against President Donald Trump has imploded with breakneck speed. In the attached video, Viva Frei of Florida gives his views on how the case has unfolded across the past two weeks. He is an individual who I have watched closely for the past three years. In 2021 and 2022, he gave countless reports of the...
This was stunning and breathtaking on one hand, but on the other hand, the outcome was not surprising. What was that line said by a famous politician in recent years? "Go woke, go broke!" This is a classic example of that. It's sad, too, because Dixie Brewing had a long, successful and storied history in New Orleans. Woke fools drove the business into the ground after re-branding the company and scrapping its former name. Massive layoffs took place last fall as the company spiraled out of...
In what is considered a bombshell in some circles, former CNN news anchor Chris Cuomo announced in a recent podcast that he has been prescribed ivermectin as one tool to use while fighting his COVID vaccine injury. In his announcement, he states that CNN's coverage of the COVID pandemic was flawed, especially its repeated untrue claims about ivermectin. Disgraced former CNN anchor Don Lemon was one of the worst offenders in this regard. Cuomo also stated that during the pandemic, his doctor was...
Some college kids in America are the dumbest people on earth. This, I feel, is a very accurate statement after reading about a short-lived "hunger" strike or some version of that at Princeton University. The attached video spells out how it all went down across the past week. Repeat after me: some of the dumbest people on earth!!...
Although MSNBC often gives it a run for its money, CNN is regularly chocked full of completely fake news. The way they lie and lie and lie is breathtaking. They would not know reality if it came up and hit them in the face! See more in the attached video, which lasts about 3 minutes....
This should not be difficult to understand, especially for a young man or woman who was supposedly smart enough to be accepted into an institute of higher education, AKA, an American college. The attached video features Florida's governor explaining this in very simple terms....
This video is more or less a public courtesy video to remind the public that sick, twisted people (many of whom are in powerful roles in governments) want you to stop eating meat and start eating...not meat! They detest the idea of a traditional beef hamburger. Instead, they want you to eat lab-grown material or ground-up insects. Gross! Keep this in mind whenever you vote: are you supporting politicians who hate farming and agriculture as we know it?...
We've seen it over and over again at the college level. I haven't seen reports of this type of conversation taking place at the high school level, but I believe it's only a matter of time before it does. The basic conversation goes like this. A group of female athletes are on a college swimming team. The next season comes around, and a male athlete who identifies as a woman says he/she wants to join the team. The woke, stupid college promptly complies with the request. The females on the team...
National Public Radio, which has long had a penchant for providing left-slanting news in America, has taken bias to a shocking level with the introduction of new CEO, Katherine Maher. Maher is shown on record stating that the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is a threat to "news" organizations like NPR. You could not make it up. Maher, who acknowledged that the First Amendment is good for "news platforms" said in the same breath that the problem of the First Amendment stems from any and...
A significant discussion is taking place at the state Legislature in reaction to the recent announcement that eight community newspapers will close at the end of the month. Under a proposal in the Senate Education Policy Omnibus bill (SF 3567), school districts would no longer be required to publish their proceedings in newspapers and could instead move them to their own websites. We believe the proposal, which is backed by the Minnesota School Boards Association, is a knee-jerk reaction made...
For the third straight month, American citizens have been hit by rising inflation, according to government statistics. Not only do government statistics suggest this, real world experience - life outside of academia and government - paints the same picture. Overall, the U.S. Department of Labor said that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 3.5 percent in March 2024 compared to one year ago. Fueling this surge is higher costs for rent, car insurance, clothes, medical care and gasoline. Adding to...
Now nearly four years later, the endless list of court cases regarding voter fraud in the 2020 election shows just how corrupt things really were. In summary, the 2020 election included: 1,500 proven instances of voter fraud; 1,276 criminal convictions and 56 civil penalties, among other findings. In the attached video, Benny Johnson spells it all out....
Tina Kotek has been one of the worst governors in the history of the United States. This has played out in front of everyone's eyes across her tenure leading the Beaver State. Her most glaring and obvious flaw has been her full support of decriminalizing illicit drug use and illicit drug possession. In 2020, Kotek pushed hard for Measure 110, a ballot question that decriminalized drugs in Oregon. Being the idiot she is, she said in 2022 while running for governor, as the whole house was falling...
Wow! This was a sight. A pathetic group of school board members shut down their meeting when a brave student challenged them to their faces. He spoke passionately on the topic of keeping bathrooms and locker rooms as safe spaces for girls, and it offended the school board. He asked for five members to resign...their response? "This meeting is adjourned." Wow. We are in trouble in America with woke stupid running our public schools....
Four minutes. Four minutes of your time. I encourage everyone to take four minutes of your time to watch this video. It clearly illustrates how sick and vile Joe Biden is and how ashamed we are that he is occupying the office of the President of the United States. He is an sick, vile man. I can't say it enough. For the Democrats to hold the type of fundraiser that they did on the day of the wake of the fallen NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller is SICK and VILE. Democrats in America have no shame! No...
At John Stossel's YouTube channel, he recently released a video encouraging the public not to let government officials off of the hook for what they did to us starting in March of 2020. In this video, Stossel says that four years ago, we were told we had "15 days to slow the spread." Covid's "15 days" turned into years, and the loss of our freedoms increased. It's important we don't forget what happened. The attached video lasts 6 minutes and 42 seconds....
This video was too good not to share....
This was an exciting video to take in. It is absolutely PRECIOUS and PRICELESS to watch the mainstream media goons lose their minds on national television. All throughout 2023 they sounded so confident...look how things have changed. It gives me great joy to see this happening. That could not happen to more deserving people....
It's easy to find videos on YouTube of young people being asked questions related to either American history, geography or modern politics. Generally, many of these videos show that young people just simply are not well-informed. In the attached video, a handful of young people are asked about who they believe is the dumbest person in the government today. There's a recurring theme with their answers......
All you can say at that point is: "What the heck!?!?!?" Ukraine is the bottomless pit that keeps on taking from the American taxpayer. It's gone far north of $100 billion with no end in sight....
In his press conference near the U.S.-Mexico border this week, President Trump coined a new nickname for the governor of California. He also made a great point: perhaps it's more important to care for U.S. citizens, especially our veterans, before we pour out an endless list of freebies to illegal aliens? The attached video, lasting just 40 seconds, spells it out....
The push to allow boys who think they are girls to play competitive, contact sports with real girls has reached a new low and continues to break the realms of all human decency. Beyond the incidents where boys who think they are girls are discovered in girls' locker rooms, the world has now been made fully aware of a shocking game that took place in Massachusetts. In a junior varsity girls' basketball game, a boy who thinks he is a girl who stands 6 feet tall (complete with facial hair) was...
The jig is up for the Deep State players in America who are, without question, public enemy No. 1 of American citizens. It's now coming to light that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target advisors to President Donald Trump long before the summer of 2016. Sources with the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) have stated that the United States Intelligence...
Have you heard of the Butterfly Effect? While you've been busy living your life, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has been quietly changing the future of education in all Minnesota schools, public and private. His self-appointed licensing board is embedding Marxist principles and practices such as critical race theory, fluid sexual identity, and gender politics into teacher licensing requirements that will usher in radical ideologies. These changes will impact new teachers earning their teaching licenses as well as all current teachers renewing...