Bonanza Valley Days 2017!

Three-plus days of fun for all ages in Brooten

The 45th annual Bonanza Valley Days town celebration is coming to Brooten this weekend - Thursday through Sunday - July 6, 7, 8 and 9. The first BVD event of 2017 will be a "worship in the park" service on Thursday night at 7 p.m. at the city park. The worship will be led by Pastor Steve Bovendam of Trinity Lutheran church of Brooten. Folks of all stripes are welcome to attend - Lutheran or not! This is a bring-your-own-lawn-chair event.

The full slate of activities gets underway on Friday and continues through Sunday afternoon. You can see the full list of events at the B-B-E Jaguars sports blog:

The fun wraps up on Sunday with Dads Belgian Waffles, a fundraiser hosted by the B-B-E Boy Scouts at the city park from 8 a.m. to noon. The grand day parade is at 1:30 p.m. on Sunday, and after that everyone is invited to the Brooten Pavilion to enjoy a free ice cream social, courtesy of the Bonanza Valley State Bank. It will be a terrific way to wrap up Bonanza Valley Days 2017!


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