Exciting news

Local columnist added to the Voice

The Bonanza Valley Voice is excited to announce the addition of Phil Olson as a contributing columnist to the newspaper.

Olson is a 1942 graduate of Brooten high school and was the band director at Belgrade public school District No. 736 from 1949 to 1982. He is a tireless promoter of Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa and the Fine Arts and athletics.

We have not agreed on a title to his column, but we have granted him complete editorial control over what he will write about. He is a wonderful asset to our B-B-E community, and we can't wait for his first column!

Also, the March 16 issue will include a feature story on Olson's life and his family, including his wonderful wife Lucille. Olson has been on our list of seniors to include in our "Senior's View" stories, and after talking to him earlier this week we finally set up a couple hours of interview time.

Welcome to the Voice, Phil and Lucille! This is a ray of sunshine our newspaper badly needed this week.


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